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The Renovation: A Reverse Harem Romance Page 7

  “Sorry,” Tanner said. “Let’s start over.”

  Good idea. I counted, “Four, three, two, one…”

  This time, we both stepped back. Oof. He wasn’t getting that you didn’t both step forward or back at the same time. If I stepped forward, he stepped back, and vice versa.

  “Wait, wait, wait,” Mel cried, running over, as if we’d broken the law of swing dancing. Of course, the other couples stopped to stare.

  “When one of you steps forward, the other steps back,” she said very slowly, like we were the class’s remedial students.

  But it didn’t help. Poor Mel was defeated in a way I suspected she never had been. To cheer herself up, she turned her back on us and focused on the rest of the class, who were all doing pretty well.

  “I guess I suck at this.” His shoulders sagged with defeat, which tugged at my sympathies—he’d been through so much humiliation with the tampon account. I couldn’t bear to see him suffer more.

  I lowered my voice to a whisper. “Let’s just sneak out. Mel’s helping that couple over there. She won’t notice ‘til we’re long gone.”

  He looked in Mel’s direction. “Okay. We’ll make a break for it.” He grabbed my hand and we flew across the dance floor to the exit. Once we were outside, I burst out laughing. I couldn’t help it.

  “You know, maybe swing dancing just isn’t your thing,” I told him.

  “Ya think?” he asked, rolling his eyes. “But I know what is my thing.” He moved closer to me until my back was against the brick wall and his eyes were burning into mine. Holy shit.

  “What is your thing?” I asked in a breathy voice. My heart was beginning to pound. God, I was a slut. I swallowed as he tilted my head up, and his mouth moved toward mine. The distance between us closed in an instant, and I fell, deliciously lost, into his kiss.

  At first, his lips touched mine softly, the kiss growing hotter and deeper until I melted against him with everything I had. Lance had never kissed me like that. Hell, I don’t think anyone ever had.

  He pulled back to take his glasses off, stuffing them in a pocket. We returned to our hungry kiss before he stopped to look at me.

  “You’re beautiful. Just fucking beautiful.”

  I don’t know why, but tears stung my eyes. Thank god it was dark and we were far from the street lamps. I couldn’t have him thinking I was a complete nutjob, so I just looked down and murmured thanks.

  Without a word, he waved down a cab and gave the driver his address. We held hands all the way across town, and when we arrived at his place, he turned to me.

  “Would you like to spend the night?” he asked.

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Slut, slut slut.

  Shut up! Not now.

  His apartment about blew my mind. It was in this fantastic old building on Nob Hill with views toward downtown and the beautifully lit up Bay Bridge.

  “This place is insane,” I said, doing a three-sixty to take in the entire vista.

  He threw his jacket onto the back of a chair and walked over to a cushy velvet sofa where he sat, extending a hand to me. He might have been working freaking hard at the ad agency, but it would seem he was paid pretty well for his efforts.

  I approached the edge of the sofa and stood directly in front of him. He wrapped his arms around me and stroked my ass through my skirt. He inhaled deeply, rubbing his face into my silk blouse. He was taking his time, and it was exquisite.

  His hands traveled from my ass to the front of my blouse, where he opened its buttons one by one. If he hadn’t started to move a bit faster, I was afraid I might explode.

  He pulled my shirt open and sat back, looking at the white lace of my bra, trickling his admiring gaze over my trembling body. The way he looked at me, like I was the most beautiful woman on earth, was so fucking hot, I had to put a hand on his shoulder to steady myself. He stood up and turned me around, unzipping the back of my skirt and pushing it down my hips until it hit the floor in a puddle around my feet. I started to kick off my heels.

  “No. Keep them on,” he growled from behind me.

  Allrighty then.

  I stepped out of my skirt and kicked it aside. My blouse fell off my shoulders, and I was left standing in my bra, lace thong, and heels.

  “Turn around,” he said in a quiet voice.

  I did as he demanded and when I faced him again, he was unbuttoning his shirt. When it dropped to the floor, I remember his amazing chest from his shirtless jog. I ran my finger over the musical notes tattooed on his neck while he fumbled with his belt and trousers. He dropped them all to the floor and we faced each other, gloriously and awesomely naked. Somewhere along the line, he’d ditched his shoes and socks. I must have missed that in my excitement.

  His hand fell to his cock, a long, thick erection I couldn’t move my eyes from.

  “I want to fuck you, baby,” he said quietly.

  “Yeah? I might let you.”

  “I hope so. I promise you’ll like it.”

  “Promise?” I asked.

  “Oh, yeah.” He reached into a small box on an end table and produced a condom, which he quickly pulled over his length.

  “C’mere, beautiful,” he said as he sat back on the sofa. He pushed aside the lace of my thong, and I stood before him as he buried his tongue in my pussy, where my clit hung heavy and sensitive.

  “Oh my god,” I murmured as he tasted me. There was a quick rush of hesitation since I’d just been with Carter, but I pushed it away. There’d be plenty of time to torment myself into a neurotic lather another day.

  “You’re so fucking wet. C’mon,” he said, laying me back along the length of the sofa and yanking off my thong.

  He balanced himself above me, one arm on either side of my head, with the swelling bulb of his cock poised right at my hungry opening.

  “Are you ready for me?” he whispered. He hadn’t taken his gaze from mine. It was excruciating and delicious at the same time.

  “Mmmm,” was all I could manage, and I nodded dreamily.

  The head of his cock pushed down and just entered me where he paused. Groaning, he rocked his hips and fed me another inch or two. I was stretched so wide, the feeling so intense that I had to take deep breaths to hold off coming right away. I had no fucking idea what I was doing, but whatever it was, I was glad to be doing it.

  Tanner drove his hips once more, this time burying the remaining length of his cock. We both cried out, his dick hitting me deep, and then pulling out before he drove it right back in. I banged my head back against the sofa cushions, clawing at his back, when my whole body began to shudder.

  “Come for me, beautiful,” he growled as he pumped my soaked pussy over and over.

  “Yeah. Fuck me!” I screamed, exploding into nothing but dazed sensation. An orgasm slammed over and through me, pushing me into some abyss I didn’t even know existed. Did this guy even know what he could do?

  His cock pulsed inside me, and a groan turned into a roar. He came, pumping furiously two (or was it more?) times until we both came to an exhausted stop.

  His gaze burned right into mine. “Sorry about the dancing fail.”

  “Dancing?” I mumbled. “What dancing?”

  Nothing about that evening had been a fail.

  Chapter 14


  Hey there,” Jayma said, opening the door to her house. If you could call it that.

  “Ready? Got water and snacks?” I asked.

  “Got it all right here,” she said, patting her hand on a bright red backpack. She slung it over one shoulder. I stepped aside to let her lead the way from the front porch to the car. It gave me the opportunity to admire the khaki shorts that so perfectly hugged the cheeks of her cute little ass. In her hiking clothes, from her leather boots up to her fleece jacket, with the bandana tied around her braided hair, she looked like a hot little mountain mama.

  Christ, my dick was already coming to life.

  Get a grip, asshole

  On our way to Mount Tamalpais, my favorite hiking in all of the Bay Area, she chattered to break the ice. She left me a little tongue-tied—I mean, who wouldn’t be around a woman like her?

  “Have you been to Thailand?” she asked. She’d remembered my travel bug.

  I nodded as we rounded a tight turn past Muir Woods. “I have.”

  “What did you like about it?”

  “A lot of things about Thailand were really cool, but especially the food. You can go to these street markets, choose which curry you want from all these huge pots, and I swear, it costs less than a dollar. The food there was killer.”

  “Ugh, you’re making me hungry,” she said.

  Hungry. I wanted her hungry. For me.

  We rode in silence, my Jeep bumping along the road as we climbed to the peak of Mount Tam. Jayma had her forehead pressed to the passenger side window, watching the view unfold of San Francisco and beyond, and giving me the chance to check her out. I was dying to reach for her fingers, but it was way too soon for that. So I “accidentally” brushed my hand over the bare skin of her thigh. It was so warm and smooth, my cock sprang to attention.

  She looked at me and smiled.

  We pulled into the lot at the very top of Mount Tam and headed for the trail that would give us the best views. Gravel crunched under our hiking boots while we got started.

  “So, how’d you get your job at the ad agency?” I asked her.

  “Well, I moved to San Francisco after college and answered an ad on Craigslist for a receptionist position. I had really wanted to try for a career in advertising.” She looked at me. “I’m working my way into a new position.”

  She had what it would take. I didn’t know shit about the ad business, but I could tell.

  “You’ll get there. Just keep on keepin’ on. I believe in persistence over quick wins,” I said.

  “Well, that’s what I’m doing. Sticking with it.” She gave me one of her mega smiles, the ones that made her freckles dance.

  “I’ve never worked in an office. I mean, I have an office. But I’m only there once in a while. I like running around, taking care of customers. Keeps my mind off my dad…”

  “Does it keep your mind off the travels you’re missing?”

  She guessed well. Or maybe it wasn’t a guess. Maybe it was as obvious as the nose on my face.

  I nodded slowly. “For the most part, it does. But it’s always there. The thing we’d rather be doing. Happens to us all, I suppose.”

  “How long were you going to travel for?” We took a turn down a path lined with sky-scraping redwood trees. The canopy was so full, we were instantly immersed in what felt like dusk.

  “Indefinitely. I wanted to volunteer, help install plumbing systems in poor villages, and teach the locals at the same time. Then my mom called me with news about my dad, and here I am today. I need to keep the business running to support my parents. It’s the only income they have.”

  She stopped in front of me on the narrow trail. I was just inches from her beautiful face, and in the dim light, I could swear, her skin glowed.

  “That’s awesome, that you’re supporting your parents,” she said, reaching for my hand.

  “I’m happy to do it. I know it sounds like I’m not. But there will be time for travel later. Right now, they need me.” To be honest, I’d do anything for my parents.

  I took her hand and brought it to my lips. Her skin smelled like lemons and fresh, clean girl.

  “I wanted to ask you out the first moment I saw you,” I confessed.

  I brushed my lips over the back of her hand again, and then opened her palm. I moved it to my cheek and ran it up and down, reveling in her soft skin. So different from my hand, which was scratchy and callused from work. She sighed lightly and closed her eyes. It seemed like all thought exited my brain.

  “Excuse me!”


  “Sorry,” I said, as we stepped aside to let several hikers pass. Jesus, I thought no one else knew about this trail.

  “Shall we keep going?” I asked.

  Jayma took a deep breath and smiled, her nipples jutting through her shirt. I wanted to kiss each one of those sexy little babies, but I had patience when I needed it.

  “Lead the way,” I said, making room for her to pass. One, I wanted her to set the pace, and two, I was jonesing for any opportunity to watch her sweet ass cheeks through her little khaki shorts.

  God, I sounded like an asshole.

  The narrow, shaded trail opened up into a wide, gravelly one, and we were back in the full sun again. It felt so damn good I couldn’t help but grab Jayma and turn her to me, where I kissed her like a starving man. Her hands flew up to my hair, where she pulled the rubber band off my ponytail. She scraped her nails over my scalp, and I fucking groaned right into her lush mouth.

  This woman, who I barely knew, had this unexpected hold over me. Not in a bad way, but more like I just couldn’t get her out of my mind. She was so goddamn plucky. First, she was trying her best to turn her receptionist job into something bigger. Then, she was working like hell to figure out what to do about that money pit she’d bought. And that’s not even bringing up about how freaking hot she was.

  But I did want to talk to her about something else. I pulled back to look at her.

  “I want to help you with the house,” I said.

  “What? What do you mean?”

  I took her hand, and we started walking again.

  “I can help you. I want to help you.”

  She stopped and looked at me. “Thank you. That is so kind. But I don’t think I can accept it. I would feel like I was taking advantage.”

  “I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t want to. I see the potential in that house. I can’t do all the work, but I can help with the kitchen and bathroom. You’ve already given me a twenty dollar deposit.”

  She laughed while her eyes got real glossy. I guess she was pretty moved that I made the offer I did. But I was glad to do it and to help someone who worked so hard. People had given me plenty of breaks. It was time I did it for someone else

  She threw her arms around my neck, allowing me to bury my face in her hair. I hoped she hadn’t felt my dick getting hard against her stomach, but the way she smiled at me meant she knew I was turned on. Since there was no hiding it, I pressed against her. I didn’t want to be an asshole, but I had a good-sized cock and I wasn’t afraid of letting her know.

  “C’mon. Follow me,” I said.

  We left the trail and bushwhacked into the brush until we were out of sight of any other hikers. The little clearing we found gave us the perfect cover, thank god, because my raging hard-on was desperate for attention.

  “You know what?” Jayma said like a naughty little flirt.


  “I liked you since I first met you, too.”

  Bingo. I’d won the hottie lottery.

  And I just about had a heart attack when she dropped her fleece jacket to the ground and sank to her knees, leaving her with perfect access to my—

  Holy shit, she was going to suck my cock.

  Would it have been insane of me to propose to her right there on the spot?

  Get a grip, asshole.

  She made quick work of the fly on my hiking shorts and pushed them to my feet. Looking up at me, she ran her fingers inside the waistband of my boxers, pulling them down with agonizing slowness. When they got low enough to release my aching cock, her head snapped back to avoid being slapped by it in the face.

  “Mmmm,” she murmured.

  That’s right, baby.

  It took every ounce of my willpower not to yank her own shorts off, bend her over, and fuck her right there. But somehow, I managed to hold back and let things take their course. And follow her lead.

  Which was hot as hell, I might add.

  I groaned when her fingers curled around my dick, and closed my eyes when she stroked up and down my shaft. Her other hand reached for my balls, and I
just about exploded in her face. Jesus, this girl.

  A rustling in the bushes grabbed our attention, and I suddenly worried some park ranger was going to find us—me with my pants down, and Jayma about to suck me. I figured there would at least be a big fine for public indecency, if the ranger wanted to be a cold-hearted ass about it.

  But it was just a fat old jack rabbit, stopping to take a look at us, and then disappearing as quickly as he’d joined us. I breathed a deep sigh of relief. No one was going to interrupt me and my girl, at least not then.

  Chapter 15


  Ugh. There was a part of me that whispered I shouldn’t have been messing around with Wyatt when I’d been with Carter and Tanner just nights before. I mean, who did that? Not nice girls like me.

  Guess I was done being nice.

  I could make some lame excuse and walk away from them all, go back to my shitty little house, and wait for the fucking bank to come and kick me out. But I was tired of letting life just happen to me. It was my turn to make shit happen, and everybody better get out of my fucking way.

  And when I felt Wyatt’s giant dick pressing into my stomach, well, there was no way in hell I was not going to experience all he had to offer right then, and right there. If he hadn’t led me into the bushes, I might have his pants down around his ankles right in the middle of the trail we’d just been on.

  I gazed up at him, his dirty blond hair spilling into his eyes since I’d pulled out the ponytail holder that held his little man bun. His gorgeous tan, lined face followed my every move as my hands slid from his thighs to grip his cock.

  And what a beautiful cock it was. Long, with the most perfectly shaped crown, and so thick, my fingers wouldn’t even close around it. A glistening drop of precum hung from his tip, the only invitation this girl needed.

  I extended my tongue to catch his salty tang, and gazed up at him again as I swallowed. His face was serious, as if he were concentrating with everything he had, but when he realized I was watching him right back, his face broke out in a beautiful grin. That just made me want to please him more.