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The Gallery_A Reverse Harem Romance Page 5

  Now that was some good news. But shit, Avril Crane? After we were just talking trash about her dickhead ex?

  “We were just talking about her ex, I kid you not,” I said. “But is the space nice?”

  Blu cackled. “Why don’t you go check it out? I’d like your opinion.”

  Leaving Smith and Sumner in my office, I headed for the elevator while still on the phone with Blu. We needed a new space fast, and if it was as nice as he said, it would be perfect.

  I flagged a cab to head downtown. Yeah, I wanted to see the gallery, but that wasn’t the only reason I was going. I’d been curious as hell about the beautiful woman everyone had been talking about at the party. What might I learn about her, myself?

  Naturally, the gallery was on a fashionable street in the Soho neighborhood, long known for its celebrity sightings and galleries showcasing the city’s up and coming artists. I walked into the sprawling space Blu had given me the address for, and a bell jingled, announcing my arrival.

  A tall woman with long black hair came to greet me.

  Damn. She’d looked nice from across the lawn, but in person, she was stunning.

  “Hello. May I help you with something today?”

  So far, so good. “Hi. I’m Ashera Singh. I wanted to visit the gallery. You and I have actually met before.”

  She broke into a gorgeous smile that almost brought me to my knees. I knew she must have been going through hell, and yet, she was as poised as anyone I’d ever seen.

  “Right. I saw you at that party in the Hamptons.” Something sad flashed across her face, but it was gone as quickly as it came. “Would you like to have a look around, then?”

  Not pushy. I liked that.

  “I would…but I have another reason for being here.”

  Her eyebrows raised. “You do?”

  Might as well get right to the point. “A friend of yours, Blu Baker, is one of my partners in our party promotion company. He suggested I take a look at your gallery to rent for our events.” I kept it vague. Who knew if he’d told her exactly what kind of parties we threw?

  But it quickly became evident that he had, because her face changed from pink to red in about five seconds. And damn if that didn’t get my imagination racing.

  “Right! Right, we talked about that. I’m not sure, though—”

  “Ms. Crane, did he explain to you that each time we used your location, your cut of the revenues would be somewhere around one hundred thousand dollars?”

  Her mouth opened, but nothing came out.

  He had not told her that part, it seemed.

  “Ms. Crane, is there somewhere we could sit and talk?”

  The poor woman looked faint.

  “Oh yes, I’m sorry. Where are my manners? Please come to my office.”

  I followed her tight dress and fuck me pumps up some stairs to a loft, where her office was tucked into a corner. She sat at her desk and motioned for me to take the chair opposite.

  “Now, what were you saying, um…”

  “Ashera. You can call me Ash.”

  “Oh, right. And you can call me Avril.”

  “Pretty name,” I said.

  “It’s French for April,” she said.

  I actually already knew that but didn’t say anything. “Cool. So Blu told you about our Kink Lab parties, then?”

  She blushed again, and it was damn cute. Picking up a pencil, she began to tap back and forth, like a seesaw. “Yes, Blu told me about the parties, your security, and how the cleaning crew moves the furniture in and out. But to be honest, I’m still not sure about having it here. We have some pretty valuable art, and I’m responsible for all of it. But…for a hundred grand per party, I could possibly be convinced to take it down and put it in the safe.”

  Now she was talking.

  “Do you mind if I look around?” I asked. “It just so happens, I’m in the market for some art for my foyer.”

  I knew that would get her. Plus, my walls really did need some art.

  “Please. Make yourself at home. I’ll leave you alone for a few minutes while I return some phone calls.”

  The place was cavernous. I could only imagine what her monthly rent was. And if her soon to be ex was the douche I thought he was, she needed cash, and she needed it fast.

  Thick velvet curtains were suspended in front of the floor-to-ceiling loft windows. Perfect for privacy. The hardwood floors were of old, wide planks, worn by decades of footsteps. The effect was industrial and organic. And it was perfect. It would hold all our furniture and props with room to spare. I had to hand it to Blu for fast thinking.

  Now, to convince her to join our team. And other things.

  “Avril, I’ve looked around. The place is amazing. I hope you’re seriously considering working with us. We could take you on as a partner,” I said.

  Her eyebrows raised. “A partner? I didn’t know that was part of the offer.”

  “What do you think?” I asked.

  “I think…that I’d like to attend a party first, at your current location, to see what they’re all about.”

  Another Blu idea, most likely.

  “Excellent. Can I count on seeing you then?” I asked.

  “I think so. Yes. Yes, I’ll go,” she said.

  “Now, can you show me some pieces for my apartment?” I asked.

  An hour later, we were having a glass of wine in Avril’s office. She’d shown me the pieces in her gallery she thought I’d be interested in once I’d clumsily explained my taste in art and what my home looked like. I could learn a lot from that woman.

  “Well, Avril,” I said, putting down my glass to head out. “I think I’ll go with the first piece you showed me. Can I convince you to deliver it in person? I’d like to get your take on the best place to hang it, if you’re available for that.”

  She stood and walked me to the door. “I’d love to help you with that, Ash. I often work with clients to place the pieces they get from us. It’s one of the best parts of my job, seeing where our art ends up.” She leaned against the wall, hand resting on the doorjamb.

  Her earlier nervousness was long gone, replaced by a faint sadness around her eyes that not even her bright smile chased away. I knew how she felt, to be let down by someone she loved.

  We all had our stories, didn’t we?

  I placed my hand over hers on the wall, wrapping my fingers around it. She responded by gripping mine back. Good sign.

  “You’re very beautiful, Avril.”

  Her blush returned, with a smile.

  She gazed right at me with her dark eyes. “Thank you. I am so glad you stopped by—”

  She didn’t get to finish because I leaned toward her and kissed her cheek, close enough to her mouth that she stopped talking and made the sweetest little sigh. I slid my lips toward hers, lingering just at the corner of her mouth to test her openness. When she turned to place her lips directly on mine, I knew my kiss was welcome and commenced to crush her lips until we had trouble breathing.

  I stepped back, stunned by the connection. I could have stood there and kissed her all night. But there’d be time for that later.

  I had good news for the guys. And not only about the venue for our parties.

  Chapter 9


  Holy mother of god. I was going to a sex party with a gay guy in just a few hours. If that wasn’t the craziest thing.

  What was also crazy was, since Devon had given me the heave-ho, how many of our friends had followed his lead. My two girl-buddies from Pilates class had conveniently taken spots on the other side of the room from where we usually worked out together. The charity fundraiser I was involved with suddenly had all the volunteers it needed, and my weekly girls’ lunch had been mysteriously cancelled, to be rescheduled for a future, unknown date. One they’d conveniently forget to tell me about, I suspected.

  Was I surprised? No, not really. Was I hurt? I supposed so. But like I told Devon, this group of people liked its money more tha
n its friends. Without money, they didn’t want me. It was that simple.

  They could all rot in hell. I had better things on my mind.

  I didn’t exactly know what to expect of the sex party, but I knew I wanted to look my best. Apparently not even a broken heart trumped my vanity. I still stung badly thanks to Devon’s betrayal, but the kiss I’d gotten from Blu’s handsome partner Ash, even though it was kind of a quickie, had just about bowled me over. I didn’t think Devon had ever kissed me like that, so softly, all exploration, while also giving me the chance to red or green light it. And Ash’s dark and exotic looks only added to the thrill. I didn’t know him well, but I did know he was part of a very successful partnership of guys who’d been together at college. They were a popular group of single men and handsome enough to look like they walked out of an Abercrombie ad or something. It was just amazing.

  I’m sure they were big hits with the ladies. Being a married woman myself, I didn’t really pay attention to that stuff.

  Although, it looked like I was maybe going to start.

  The painting Ash had bought had been my absolute favorite in the gallery. I would be lying if I didn’t admit to being a bit envious. I would also be lying if I didn’t say I was looking forward to helping him hang it in his apartment.

  Before I left home, the one I supposed I might be evicted from, I smoothed down the front of my red Diane von Furstenberg wrap dress, making sure my thong left no visible lines under it. I adjusted my strappy skyscraper heels. I would be towering over Blu, which always seemed funny to me. Not so much to him.

  At nine o’clock sharp, just as Blu had instructed, the limo dropped me at the party. I climbed several steps to a plain blue door and rang the bell. I was greeted by a woman in a bustier, stockings, and high heels. Her makeup looked like something out of a Cirque du Soleil show, always a favorite of mine.

  I wondered if I could try a look like that.

  “Baby!” Blu screamed, running toward me with his arms out. Standing on his toes, he gave me a big hug, which was exactly what I needed at that moment.

  He looked me up and down. “You look fucking hot, girl. You could have any guy here you wanted. But we know that’s not what you are here for.” He winked and gave me his best smirk.

  Smart ass.

  He was right, though. Men were not what I was there for. It was all about due diligence. Making smart business decisions. Nothing more.

  He took my hand, and we passed through several gossamer curtains hanging from the ceiling, fluttering in the room’s slight breeze. We entered a foyer of sorts, and when we turned the corner, I found what I’d been waiting for.

  I had to be honest. I’d Googled sex clubs. I had to learn what I could before I set foot in one. Turned out they were all over the damn place.


  Had I been out of the loop, or what?

  I’d had a boyfriend after college try to tell me he’d once been to one with a wealthy, older lady. He said they’d gotten there and been required to remove their clothes. They wore towels the rest of the night.

  As you can imagine, I told him he was full of shit. Why didn’t he just try to sell me the Brooklyn Bridge while he was at it?

  Now I felt kind of bad about doubting him. Not that bad, though. He’d turned out to be a cheater, just like my husband.

  And now, I was at a sex club. A freaking sex club. With my gay best friend, who—by the way—hosted the parties with a group of straight men who were part of my social circle. Or what was left of it.

  How bizarre was that? And what if I ran into someone I knew?

  Whatever. I had nothing to hide. I was there for business.

  But when we turned the corner, what I saw before me made my wobble in my high heels.

  In the center of the small room we entered—the lofty space seemed to be broken into cozy little rooms—was a big, round sofa. In the middle of it was a man going to town on a woman whose dress was pushed up to her waist. As he licked and sucked her, he ran his hands over her hips and ass in a smooth motion that increased her writhing pleasure. I’d only watched a porno once before, before Devon had gotten up and turned it off in disgust. To be honest, I’d wanted to see more but was too embarrassed to speak up at the time.

  So here I was now, watching two other people go at it, live and in person. And when I glanced around the room, I realized they weren’t the only ones having some fun.

  I felt a nudge against my elbow.

  “Well? What do you think?” Blu asked, his face as excited as a little boy on Christmas morning.

  My face must have said it all, because he grabbed my hand and led me to chair that I just about collapsed into.

  “Wait right here. I’ll run to get us some bubbly,” he said.

  Holy lord. I don’t know what I’d expected, but this was really something.

  I loved it.

  Oh god. Was that bad?

  Tough shit. I was making changes in my life, starting now.

  Blu came back with two flutes of champagne. I pressed mine against my forehead for a sec, and then enjoyed a nice, big swig.

  It was the good stuff. ‘Course for what people paid to get into Kink Lab, they had to offer top-shelf beverages.

  What had Blu told me people paid for each party? Wasn’t it something like two thousand dollars each? If I hosted at my gallery, half of that money would be mine.

  I had a feeling he’d negotiated an especially good deal for me due to my situation. And he also knew that made it harder for me to say no.

  Lucky for me, I’d gotten in for free. I certainly was not in a position to throw around two hundred dollars, much less two thousand dollars.

  So fuck that jerk Devon for cutting me off, and yeah, I was getting more comfortable with the F-bomb. It was a great relief knowing I didn’t have to worry about running into him at Kink Lab. He could barely make love with the lights on, never mind in public, whether participating or just watching. The scene there would have made his head explode, no doubt.

  “So….?” Blu asked, clearly hoping for good news.

  I took a deep breath to steady my nerves. The champagne was helping. “Whew. It’s really something. I mean, I’m not even sure what to say.”

  Somehow, I’d already downed my first glass. “Do you think I could have another?” I asked Blu, handing him my empty flute.

  He was up and back in a flash. I guess when you’re one of the owner-promoters, you don’t have to wait in line at the bar.

  “Dontcha think it’s hot?” he asked, sidling up to me.

  I looked at him. “The question is, why would you think it’s hot? I don’t see a gay man for miles.”

  “Ah. Yes. I get what you’re saying. You see, Av, it’s sexy not because I have any interest whatsoever in watching Barbie and Ken over there get it on.” He pointed toward a couple who did, really, look like a human Barbie and Ken. “What I’m getting at is that the sex-positive vibe, even if it’s not my team that’s playing”—he looked around, turning his nose up a little—“is still erotic as hell. Ya know?”

  No, I didn’t know.

  “Okay. Let me put it more plainly. I’m not interested in watching Ken’s schlong pump in and out of Barbie’s shaved beaver over there.” He craned his neck and shook his head as if he couldn’t imagine how any man would want to do that with a woman. Then he turned back to me. “But it’s really hot to witness their pleasure. I mean, look at their faces.”

  “Okay, okay, I get it. Then why don’t you do this for the gay community?”


  “Because, my dear,” he said as he took my hand and patted it like I was a senile old lady. “For every one club like this, there are probably a hundred gay ones. Because of that, there’s not the same kind of money in it. We’ve already been over this.”

  “I guess. I mean, I can see how profitable this is when people pay two thousand a head to get in,” I said.

  “Exactly. You can go to a gay sex club party for nex
t to nothing. Us fags like to hump early and often, and there are many opportunities to do that.”

  Good old supply and demand. I’d never been very good at economics, but this seemed like a perfect case study for making some money. A lot of money.

  Chapter 10


  I walked the floor through a party already in full swing. The guys and I always held Kink Lab on weeknights. Because of that, our guests tended to get there early, take care of business, and leave at a decent hour. Usually, by midnight everyone was gone, and we’d have locked the doors and headed home ourselves.

  Which was fine with me because, like everyone else, I had to get up and go to work the next morning.

  It took only one of us to close up after the party and supervise the clean up crew, so we took turns. Whoever stayed late usually came into work the next day around ten a.m. It was hardly sleeping in, but it was something. That particular night, Gio had the late shift. The only one who never did was Chase since he had a baby at home. We were all cool with that.

  Smith was not part of this venture. It just didn’t seem like the kind of energy he’d bring would be…I guess you could say conducive to a sexy atmosphere.

  I made my rounds like the rest of the guys, greeting our guests, making the men feel important and the women feel gorgeous. For what they were paying to attend, it was the least we could do.

  There were some seriously important and beautiful people there. From where I stood, I watched several prominent New Yorkers mixing and mingling as a sort of warm up to the main event.

  Speaking of watching, I’d spotted Blu come in with his friend and potential future party host, Avril. Good grief, she was a looker. They were sitting across the room on a couple of the cushy chairs we brought in for the parties. While Blu talked her ear off, she looked around the room in awe. I knew what that was like.

  The first time I went to a sex party, I was astounded, too. Turned on as hell, and completely blown away. The eroticism was not like anything I’d ever seen in any porno. Nothing about it was staged. The sensuality flowed through the room as people sucked and fucked, and I tried not to stare like some kind of amateurish asshole.