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Devi's Bliss: Bools 1-3 Page 4

  Dakini threw the bartender a smile when he dropped off their beers and took a slow sip of the cold brew. “This is the first beer I’ve had in weeks. I’m feeling pretty good about that.”

  “I’m proud of you sweetie, I knew you could get things under control.”

  “So what is it with that kid? Can he not make one good decision?”

  “I wonder the same, Daki. I really do. This time he was caught speeding, and with a suspended license. I could strangle him sometimes. But…things could be looking up. I know someone who might be able to get him a porter job at the Maserati dealership on Redwood Highway.”

  “No way! How’d you set that up?”

  “It’s not set up just yet. And to tell the truth it may never be with the way I handled myself this afternoon.” Noelle shared the details of posing for Mr. R—a.k.a. Dalt—and his offering to help with her brother, and their hot little get together. And, of course, how she bolted when it was all over.

  Dakini frowned. “He sounds wonderful. I hope you didn’t blow it. I know you’re gun-shy on guys, but now might be the time to rethink that.”

  Noelle shook her head. “No, I don’t think so. You know what I grew up with. I’ll never be like my mom. I’ll never give up my independence.” She flicked the ends of her hair with her thumb, as she often did when she was thinking. “I only posed for him because he offered to pay me the same rate I make at Devi’s, and you know I’m saving every cent I can for my tavern.”

  Dakini nodded, taking a swig of her beer.

  “But,” Noelle continued, “like I said, things got hot and heavy and afterward, we dozed off. I had the craziest dream. I was in love. It was so intense, it still blows me away. When I woke up, I was totally flipped out. I just ran the hell out of there. He probably thinks I’m a lunatic.”

  Dakini shook her head. “To hear you tell it, it’s not looking like you handled your exit very gracefully. Maybe you’ll get another chance. That is, if you want one.” She shrugged.

  “I don’t want one. I don’t want to lead the guy on.” She nodded thanks to the bartender, who had brought them two more beers and a big plate of fried calamari. Dakini seized the opportunity to smile and bat her eyelashes while Noelle devoured crispy tentacles.

  “But I would like him to hook my brother up with a job,” Noelle admitted. “Mikey needs a break, and his break will be my break.”

  Dakini sucked down her second beer.

  “Hey, slow down why don’t you,” Noelle told her.

  “Yeah, whatever,” Dakini responded. “What else do you know about him except that he has a friend at the Maserati dealership? Oh, and that he paints. And is hot as hell.”

  “I know his parents live in Tiburon.”

  “Woo-hoo! Then say I do!” Dakini rolled her eyes with great drama and they both burst out laughing, two beautiful girls drawing glances from all around. They clanked their beer bottles together and toasted life, each other, and most importantly, their friendship.

  Noelle’s liquid courage grew as she got closer to the bottom of her second beer. Her remorse over disappearing on Dalt had intensified while the evening progressed, and the alcohol offered the perfect excuse to forget her resolve and check in with him. She disappeared to the ladies’ room and rang his cell.

  “Hello.” Dalt’s tone was clipped.

  “Hi, Dalt. It’s Noelle. Um, is this a good time?”

  “Oh, hey,” he said, surprised. “Hi.”

  “Hey, yourself.” She continued, flicking her hair again. “I’m sorry I ran out the way I did today. That was rude.”

  Voices and music floated through the background. Was he entertaining?

  “No problem. It’s all good.”

  “Thanks for understanding. Hey, I see you have a massage scheduled for next Wednesday.”

  “Yeah, looking forward to it,” Dalt responded. “Hey, what about our next painting session?”

  “Let’s talk about it Wednesday.”

  “Sure. See you then.”

  Her heart skipped a beat as she traveled back and forth between that mysterious contentment from her dream, and the sadness that preoccupied her regular nightmares.

  All Wednesday, Noelle kept rethinking her visit to Dalt’s studio and the dream she’d had during their quick little nap there. Unlike the vivid images of her regular dreams, this one was mysteriously vague and blurry. The rich feelings of pure, calm, contented joy struck her. And unhinged her.

  Could those feelings be real?

  Dalt sat in the reception area, arms stretched over the billowy sofa back, right ankle crossed over left knee. He was so relaxed he looked like he’d already had his massage.

  And he was damn hot.

  She walked up to him with a nervous smile. “Good to see you, Dalt.”

  Extending her hand, she wondered if her offer to shake would come across as ridiculously proper. Could that be the reason for the amused look on his face?

  “Good to see you, too, beautiful.” Dalt rose, taking her hand.

  After their formalities, she led him past pots of tall bamboo and tinkling fountains. The music of a flute and scent of spicy oils filled the air, giving Dalt a head start on the relaxation to come. She walked ahead of him, knowing he was watching her round ass jiggling under her short white robe. Her breath hitched. Was he stirring, too?

  She showed him to the Third Eye Chakra room, stepping back outside while he undressed. On one level, it seemed silly and prim given the nature of sensual massage and what they’d already experienced together, but standard practice was to provide an undressing client his privacy.

  She knocked to announce herself. Dalt lay facedown, a sheet covering his lower half. Noelle pulled out her supplies and scurried about the room lighting votive candles. “How are you feeling today, Dalt?”

  “Pretty good. A little stiff from painting, as usual.” He flipped over onto his back and faced her. “I’m glad to see you, Noelle.” He looked serious.

  She turned to him when she’d lit the last candle. “I’m glad to see you, too.” She cocked her head as she stood just beyond his reach. Just in case he got the wrong idea.

  “I’ve been thinking about you. We need to talk.”

  Oh shit. Here it comes.

  “Why don’t we take care of your massage and talk after?”

  Frustration flashed across his face before he could stop it. “Yeah, that’s fine.” Sighing, he turned back over and settled his face into the massage cradle.

  Her hands had barely touched him when an arc of his energy burst through her so hard she snapped her hands back for a split second. She regretted shutting him down. It hadn’t been kind, and she should have let him say what was on his mind. Smoothly stroking his back, she poured warm, herb-infused oil into her hands and got down to kneading his tight neck and shoulders.

  “Dalt? What was it you wanted to talk about?”

  He shifted his face in the cradle so he could speak. “Among other things, I got in touch with my buddy at Maserati. He’s willing to talk to your little brother.”

  Noelle’s entire body twitched from the good news. “Oh my god, that’s so great!”

  The serenity from her shadowy dream returned, surging through her again. Even with her hands placed firmly on Dalt, she teetered with dizziness. What the heck was going on?

  For as long she could remember, she wanted nothing more than to get her brother onto his own two feet. He’d had so many challenges. The drama surrounding their family life had left him moody and uncooperative, skipping school, and hanging out with the wrong kids. She’d hoped he might grow out of it—she’d seen directionless boys become responsible men. But so far, he’d continued to indulge in all sorts of mischief like sneaking cigarettes, which escalated to shoplifting those cigarettes, to stealing bigger ticket items like a car—just for a joyride, he’d assured her. She was losing hope he’d ever get it together and feared she might be cleaning up his messes for all eternity. Until now.

  “Dalt, thank
you so much.” She wanted to jump up and down. “This is just the sort of opportunity that can help Mikey turn things around. I just know it. Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. The kid hasn’t gotten the job. But if he shows up and works hard, this could be the stepping stone he needs. Someone helped me like this when I was his age.”

  “Oh, this is good news.” Noelle’s spirits soared. With an extra surge of energy, she shifted to his lower body to begin work on his glutes and hamstrings.

  Abruptly, he flipped over, facing her again. The white sheet that had covered his lower half slithered to the floor, leaving Noelle face to face with his gorgeous, strong body and a cock that grew harder by the second. He propped himself up on one arm, looking.

  She held up oiled her hands like a doctor getting ready for surgery. It was a standoff.


  “Dalt, please, I’d like to continue with the massage.”

  He lay back, his arms propping up his head so he could watch. She returned to the massage, trying to ignore his semi-erect cock as her slick hands got to work on his chest and abdomen, her hands gliding over his hard pecs and erect nipples.

  Finished there, she positioned herself behind his head and lowered his arms down to his sides. Digging her fingers in the undersides of his shoulders, she used the weight of his body for leverage.

  He flinched as she found the first of several painful trigger points, and his shoulders jerked reflexively. “Yeah, right there. Ugh, that kills. Jesus, you’re strong!”

  “Take a deep breath.”

  He inhaled through the agony. As he squirmed to reduce the intensity, she dug harder into his crunchy knots, backing off only after she felt a degree of release. As the pain dwindled, he breathed again.

  In a split second, Dalt rose and his lips pressed against hers.

  The astonishment of being pulled to him rendered her breathless. She stiffened, resisting him for a moment until her lips responded by melting into his—caution be damned. She pulled out of his grasp, slid around to the side of the table, and climbed up on it, straddling him. Dalt tore open Noelle’s white cotton kimono and threw it to the floor, leaving her bare except for white cotton panties. His hands found her small breasts.

  She sucked in her breath as he pulled her nipples hard, sending a stinging sensation of pain through her body that made her panties wet. “Dalt…”

  “Shhh. Just kiss me.”

  Bit by bit, Noelle slid into a rabbit hole of desire—skin tingling, limbs trembling, heart racing. She ground against the enormity of Dalt’s rigid cock through the thin fabric of her panties, jumping as the pressure hit her sensitive clit. Dalt grabbed her hips and ground against her harder, matching her rhythm and meeting her thrusts.

  They rode each other, gazes locked, until Noelle’s heavy lids fluttered down. She convulsed and tossed her head back, her rasping moans coming faster and faster. He slid his fingers under the legs of her panties to spread her ass open with his giant hands, pulling her down harder against his cock.

  In between her throaty moans, her breath came in gasps. She hitched her shoulders up and her chin dropped to her chest. She held on to his shoulders, her fingernails leaving deep marks. She got louder and made a sound that was a cross between a sob and a laugh.

  “I…I’m coming,” she cried.

  With a scream, Noelle collapsed onto Dalt’s chest, grinding on his erection until she was too sensitive to take any more. With her face in the crook of his neck she trembled as she caught her breath.

  Holding her, he ran his hands up and down her back in long strokes. He kissed her hair, and as her consciousness drifted back into the room, he shifted to cradle her.

  “Sorry about not finishing your massage.” Her voice was a whisper, and she lifted her head to look at him.

  “Oh don’t worry. We’ll finish.” His smile was devilish.

  Their lips found each other’s and explored with curiosity this time. As she calmed, he sat her on the edge of the massage table and spread her knees wide. Standing before her, he pressed his still-hard cock against her panty-covered crotch.

  With her hand on the back of his head, she pulled him closer and ground her lips against his, pulling his nipple with a free hand. She twisted his flesh harder, matching the pressure of his erection bearing down on her until he groaned.

  In one swift motion, he lifted her ass to remove her panties. Two fingers slipped inside her slick, swollen pussy. He pushed her back across the narrow width of the massage table, her head hanging off the other side. Her hands found her tits, and she massaged and pulled her own nipples as Dalt brought his tongue to her clit. His teasing and flicking left her writhing on the table.

  He sucked on her hard nub, the intensity matching his fingers pumping her pussy. Noelle spread her legs still wider as he rubbed his face into her smooth, shaved pussy.

  “You taste like honey. Only sweeter.” He stretched her open with yet another finger, her moans intensifying. She contracted around his hand as she squirmed to deepen his thrusts.

  “Grab a condom. Please.” She nodded toward a small chest of drawers just within his reach.

  He smiled at her invitation, removed his hand from her hungry pussy, and hastily smoothed a condom onto his hard cock. He held himself at her opening, looking into her eyes, silently asking permission.

  She drank in all of him that she could, from his intoxicating scent of woodsy soap and a long day’s sweet perspiration, to his strong, naked body. She wiggled her hips to bring him closer and to demand his cock.

  He laughed and slapped the inside of her leg with it.

  “Oh, that’s mean,” she breathed.

  “On the contrary. I’m being very nice. Just taking my time.” His eyes closed, and he slid his fingers up and down her slit.

  “Fine. Tease all you want. I’ll get even.” Her hips followed the tracing of his fingers. In her impatient heat, she reached to her clit to find some relief.

  “No. You’ll wait.” He pushed her hand away.


  “I don’t think so.” Heart racing, her hand flew back to her clit. How far could she push him? How hard could she test him?

  He grabbed both her wrists with his available hand and held them over her head. His chest pressed against hers and his breath was hot and ragged.

  She tried to pull free, groaning with effort.

  “Let go.” She giggled, fighting his grip. “I can’t wait any longer.”

  “Tell me what you want. Nicely.” His smirk was infuriating.

  “I want you to fuck me, Dalt.” She looked at him with a sly smile, all confidence and control. But in truth, she was out of her mind with his teasing, and didn’t know how much longer she could wait.

  “Ask nicely,” he demanded.

  “Ugh. Okay. Fuck me. Please.” She panted with anticipation and continued to wriggle her hips.

  “You sound like a spoiled brat. I’m not sure you deserve my cock.” He bounced it against her by moving his hips.

  “Well, I’m not sure you deserve my pussy.”

  “Say please.” His length teased her opening.

  Again, she squirmed her hips to urge his penetration but made little progress with her restrained hands and prone position. She moaned, throwing her head back. “Please. Please give me your cock. I need it.”

  “That’s more like it.”

  Her hands were released, and his erection plunged between her pussy lips, just entering about a quarter of an inch. He hoisted her legs into the air, a delicate balance made possible by his taut abdomen. With a tilt of her hips, she silently begged for more as he entered her halfway, sliding his shaft in an agonizing slow motion. Eyes semi-closed and lips parted, he mumbled and rocked his head as her pussy gripped him.

  In a haze of need, she held the edge of the table and leveraged her hips to take more of him. She yelped as he slid his entire length inside, her pussy stretching to its limits. There was no thinking. Only instinct and sensation.

  As he pumped, he pulled her nipples, and her hips bucked even harder. Her head tore from side to side, and her breath came faster. The delicious spark of pain from her tortured nipples traveled straight down her abdomen to her clit. She reached out a finger to stroke the needy bud.

  Who is this man? Where did he come from?

  He pumped harder, pushing her to her edge.

  She struggled to speak between her screams. “Fuck. Me. Please. Dalt,” she cried over and over in a ragged voice.

  His hips bucked in time to hers, and she moaned and whimpered, her orgasm building as her entire body quivered. She gripped his arms, bruising them with her clenching fingers. She released a final scream, and her body convulsed as she came, throwing her head back and moving her mouth without sound.

  His orgasm hit seconds after hers as he yanked her hips toward his with a harsh growl. Sweat spilled from his brow as he arched his back.

  “Oh, fuck!” He came in waves, continuing to pump until he collapsed, nestling his face into her neck. His cock throbbed inside her as her legs wrapped around his hips.

  After he pulled out and threw the condom aside, he swept the sheet off the floor for cover. He spun Noelle so she lay lengthwise, and he joined her on the massage table. The soft fabric of the sheet tickled their skin and absorbed the smell of spicy massage oil and heat radiating from their bodies. He reached around to spoon her as candlelight danced over the walls and ceiling.

  “Wow,” Dalt said sometime later. “Just, wow.”

  “Yes. What you said.”

  She flipped over to face him on the narrow massage table. Their limbs entwined to keep each other from falling off.

  Noelle cleared her throat. “I’m so grateful for what you’ve offered to do for my brother.” She looked up at him.

  “Um, okay. Something about that sounds ominous. Do I hear an axe dropping?”

  “I…I…Dalt, I can’t get involved.”

  He stiffened. “C’mon. That’s bullshit. You can’t walk away. You can’t tell me you don’t want to see where this could go.”

  “I…I can’t get into it right now. But my plate is full with work, my brother, my plan to open a tavern. I’m sorry. I really am.” Her heart broke, and she knew it would hurt even more later. But she would never repeat her mother’s mistakes and never leave her wellbeing in the hands of a man.