Devi's Bliss: Bools 1-3 Read online

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  Being stared at by a handsome man; there were worse ways to spend a day.

  “Goddamn, you’re gorgeous. That’s great.” He arranged the easel for an unimpeded view and picked up a brush.

  Dalt’s hand swept across the canvas with long, broad strokes, stopping to look from Noelle to his painting, and then back. She couldn’t see anything else from where she lay except for his arm—up and down, back and forth. No wonder his shoulders were tight. She let her eyes wander about the room.

  “How long have you work at Devi’s Bliss?” Dalt asked as he broke the silence.

  “About a year and a half now. The first six months was as an apprentice since I’d just come out of massage school. For the last year, I’ve been building my clientele.”

  “How do you like it?”

  She tried not to gush, but it never worked. “I enjoy it, I really do. Massage is the most amazing gift, and I love that we have the freedom to provide sensual release, too, if we want. It’s healing on so many levels.”

  “Well, you are very good. Probably one of the best massage therapists I’ve ever had. Especially the ending.” She couldn’t see him behind the canvas but heard the smile in his voice.

  “Glad you liked it. We aim to please.” She laughed. “Although…Devi’s is not my long-term plan.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I hope to open a tavern some day. A small place where I’m the proprietor.” She shifted an arm that was falling asleep. “Don’t get me wrong—I love Devi’s. And she’s like a second mom to me. But I want to build something. Something of my own.”

  “No kidding. That’s great. You sound very committed. I admire that.” He looked to the canvas and back at her. “Maybe this extra work will help you reach that goal.”

  “That’s the idea,” she agreed. “I’ve taken some business classes, and I’m halfway through my business plan. I’ve even looked at locations.”

  “Yeah? Tell me more.”

  She became dreamy and leaned her head back with eyes closed. “I see it as a small place. It could be a tavern, a pub, or a bar, lined with rich, dark wood with the tables covered in red-checkered cloth. Booths in the windows. A big fireplace. A bookcase for trading old paperbacks. A kitchen that can prepare a few comfort dishes. Nothing too fancy.”

  She released a big sigh. “Oh boy. Who am I kidding?”

  “What do you mean? You don’t think you can do it?” Dalt paused and looked around the easel to meet her gaze. An adorable smudge of black paint on his chin was in perfect contrast to his manly features.

  “Every time I feel like I’m making progress, there’s always some emergency. And that emergency involves my seventeen-year-old little brother and costs me a chunk of money to bail him out of one problem or another. It’s a wonder I’ve kept the little house I bought for us.”

  “What’s up with your brother?” Dalt turned back to the canvas.

  “He’s…let’s put it this way. He needs direction. He’s been in and out of jail, all for small offenses, but he can’t seem to cut a break. He gets bored and then gets into trouble by hanging out with the wrong kids.”

  “Does he do drugs?”

  “He smokes a little weed, but swears that’s it. I’m inclined to believe him.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because he has no reason to lie to me. I’m his sister, not his mother.” His mother was gone—had been gone for quite a while, in fact—not that Dalt needed to know that whole story. Noelle was on her own with the kid, just as she had been for most of his life.

  She added, “He’s a smart guy, always earned good grades in school while barely trying. But he sure does make some stupid decisions. Probably somehow connected to our parents—” She cut herself off. No need to go there.

  “Must be hard to lose your parents so young. I know that would mess up a lot of people.”

  “Um, yes. It’s been hard.” She bit her bottom lip.

  He peeked over the canvas again. “You know, I might have something for him. It’s not glamorous. Probably wouldn’t pay much. But it could keep him busy and teach him some responsibility. Keep his ass out of trouble.”

  Noelle started, surprised by his generous offer. However, while his concern was sweet, things had to remain strictly business with this guy. Although, she was dying to scream yes! Mikey really did need a break, poor kid.

  “You don’t have to do that. Very kind of you, but not necessary.”

  He put down his paintbrush and walked over to her, sitting on the end of the chaise. Noelle suddenly felt very naked.

  Where had that robe gone?

  “You’re done already?” She sat up straight. “That was fast.”

  Dalt laughed. “No, I’m not done. This will take a few sessions. You okay with that?”

  “Um, sure, that’ll be fine.”

  She trembled and a tiny bead of sweat bubbled along her hairline.

  He studied her. “Noelle, I’d like to get to know you better. I’d like to take you to dinner some time.”

  “Oh, thank you,” she said with a polite smile. “That’s very flattering. I’d like to know you better, too, but I just can’t. We don’t see clients outside of the spa.” Another lie.

  “Hmmm. That’s too bad.” His hand rubbed the back of his neck.

  That wasn’t so hard. He’d accepted it at face value.

  “Now, back to your brother.”

  “Oh, yes. Mikey.”

  “What does he like to do? What is he good at?”

  “I don’t really know. And I don’t think he knows, either. He’s had only odd jobs here and there. You know, dishwasher, things like that.” She drew up her knees to give Dalt more room on the chaise—and to provide herself a bit more modesty.

  “I wish you’d let me help. I had some issues myself when I was young. Just about bled my parents dry, not unlike your brother. Still feel like shit about it. Anyway, one of my high school buddies owns the Maserati dealership on Redwood Highway. He was telling me the other day they needed a porter.”

  “I know that place. I drive past it every day. What does a porter do?” Her sisterly instincts got the better of her.

  “They move cars around for the service and sales department, clean them, run errands, drive customers around. It’s not high paying, and it’s certainly not glamorous, but if he worked hard and was reliable, who knows where it could take him.”

  “I see.”

  Maybe, just maybe, it would be okay to accept a favor on behalf of her little brother. This could be just what he needed and god knew he loved cars. “Could you really make an introduction? He’s so sweet and charming. They would totally love him, everybody does.”

  She jumped up and threw her arms around him.

  “I’m happy to help, if I can.” He stood and hugged her back, touching her skin for the first time. He burrowed his face into her hair and gulped her scent. Running his hands down to her curvy ass, he squeezed and caressed.

  Oh, shit.

  She released her hold, jumping back. Ass caressing was not part of the deal.

  “Well. I guess we ought to wrap up now.” She reached for her robe and got one arm into it.

  In the next moment, Dalt’s beautiful lips greeted hers, softly at first, and parted so lightly she could feel his warm breath. The tickle of his tongue preceded a nip of her lower lip and her robe puddled to the floor as the kiss became hot and hard.

  She started to protest, but couldn’t bring herself to, so gripped she was by his confident sensuality. Leaning into him, she lost herself in his spicy scent and exploring tongue. And it was goddamn delicious.

  “Mmmmm,” she murmured.

  “Mmmmm is right. You are delicious. And I’m going to taste more of you.” He lifted her body and leaned her naked body back on the chaise, using his knees to hold hers open.

  Resistance was futile. This man was gorgeous, sexy, and he wanted her. But more importantly, she found herself craving his attentions, if only for an af
ternoon. There had been no lover like that in her life for far too long, and she hadn’t realized until now how empty that void had grown.

  His voice was husky and his excitement evident from the bulge under his fly. “I’ve wanted to taste you since I first saw you.” He placed small, light kisses on her tummy as he ran his hands over and under her hips, sliding them under her ass and squeezing her again.

  He brought his hands back to the tops of her thighs, which he pushed wide open. His face lowered between them and he brushed the soft skin there as he rubbed her with his stubbly beard. She gasped at the initial roughness but then wiggled her hips against it, wanting more.

  Her head fell back and she mumbled, squirming as his kisses arrived at the top of her slit.

  Nuzzling the lips of her smooth, shaved pussy, his tongue slid down the center of her opening, tantalizing the edges of her most sensitive area. Up and down it slid until it parted her lips. Savoring her moisture, he licked and nibbled, flicking his tongue in and out until she gave a pleading cry. He inched up to her hardened clit and she ground against his face, murmuring his name over and over, his teasing leaving her sex swollen and juicy. He had her clit and a good deal of the surrounding flesh in his mouth, creating a tight suction that caused Noelle to toss her head in a side-to-side frenzy.

  As she continued to writhe under his mouth, Dalt slid one finger and then another in her pussy, massaging her soaked and swollen insides, pulling his fingers up toward her sensitive G-spot. She screamed as the shock waves pelted her core, convulsing her entire body. She grabbed fistfuls of his hair and brought his face down harder between her legs.

  Her back arched and she began screaming, “I…I’m…coming. I’m coming!”

  He tightened his lips on her clit and pushed her knees as wide open as they would go, fingerfucking her to the rhythm of his sucking.

  Noelle came and then came again, waves rocking her body from head to toe and back.

  He slowed his movements and eased his fingers out as her trembling continued. Snatching a blanket from under the chaise, he pulled it up to cover them both after he slid behind her to spoon.

  She grabbed his arms and greedily drew them around her. Their connection had been so intense that tears dripped down her cheeks. Days, weeks, and years of sadness—and happiness—swirled around her like a riptide.

  He kissed her ear. “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” she whispered. “Yeah.”

  Shit. No one likes a crazy bitch. Snap out of it.

  “I’m fine. Just fine.”

  Dalt tightened his arms around her and closed his eyes.

  Noelle woke with a start, unsure of where she was or how long she’d been there, or even why she was lying naked with a fully-clothed man. Her fidgeting shook Dalt out of his sleep and he burrowed deeper into her hair, drawing the blanket higher and pulling her closer. As her awareness made its way back into the room, she wriggled out of his arms and up into a sitting position, leaving him lying there. She’d had the strangest dream where she felt so safe and happy. But now awake, she had the strongest urge to get the hell out of there.

  “What time is it? How long were we sleeping?”

  Dalt sat up, looking to his watch. “Not long, twenty minutes or so. Perfect little nap.”

  “Shit.” She wasn’t sure she agreed.

  “It feels longer.” The mix of wine, orgasms, and napping had left her unnerved and disoriented. “Where are my clothes? I need to go.” She stood but quickly toppled back onto the chaise, her lightheadedness getting the better of her. Why the hell had she caved? Was it really worth an orgasm or two?

  “Slow down, cowgirl. Let me get your things.” He disappeared behind the dressing screen and returned with her thong panties, denim dress, and platforms, which she pulled on while he watched. She ran her hands through what was now a mass of tangled hair and pinned it up with a clip from her pocket.

  “I gotta go.” Her skin crawled with discomfort. Something wasn’t right, the sirens in her head screamed. Her attraction to this guy was not part of the plan.

  This is supposed to be casual. Nothing more.

  “Um, are you okay? You seem upset.”

  “I just feel out of it. I’m heading home. Thanks for the wine.” Hurrying for the door, she grabbed her bag and took one last look around as if she might not be back. Her platforms clanked down the metal stairs. She took one last look up the stairwell. Dalt watched her, running away like her pants were on fire. The last thing she saw was him at the top of the stairwell, running his hands through his hair.

  “Well if that’s not the damnedest thing,” she heard him say.

  The street door slammed shut behind her.

  She ran across the parking lot to the VW and jumped in, catching her dress in the car door. She yanked it free as she turned over the engine. As she merged into heavy traffic, she fastened her seatbelt, furious with herself. Dalt seemed like a nice guy and was drop dead gorgeous, no question. But she couldn’t and wouldn’t get mixed up with him. Or any guy, for that matter. She could get down and dirty, no problem, but had no interest in going any further. It just wasn’t part of the plan. No room for risking all she’d accomplished. Unlike her mother.

  Family bullshit. Always right there.

  No, not taking any chances. Her work at Devi’s Bliss paid well, and the other girls were her best friends. Devi herself was always available with a shoulder to cry on when Mikey got into trouble, and she supported Noelle’s plan to someday open a tavern. No man was going to mess with any of that. Romantic dreams be damned.


  There was Dalt. Not only did he have the face and body of a god, his being an artist was the shit. And he wanted to help her little brother. He wanted to spend more time with her. Who the hell in their right mind would walk away from that? But she knew the answer.

  She would. That’s who.

  “Hey, Devi,” Noelle said as she arrived at the spa for her evening clients. The fondness they shared for each other was unmistakable in spite of her boss’s regular eye rolling at Noelle’s affections. As much as she might act like she couldn’t care less, Devi adored Noelle, and she knew it.

  “I see you’re on time. For a change,” Devi said from her usual perch behind the reception desk.

  “Hey, I’m not late all the time. Just some of the time.”

  “I wouldn’t say some of the time, Noelle. I would say most of the time.”

  “Okay, whatever you want.” Noelle laughed. “What’s my schedule for the evening?”

  “Let’s see.” Devi pulled up her online calendar. “You have Mr. J at six for a ninety minute session, and Mr. S at eight for sixty minutes.”

  “Oh goody, I haven’t seen Mr. J in weeks. He’s always so funny.”

  By nine thirty, Noelle had finished cleaning her last client’s treatment room. In the staff room she joined her fellow therapists. Gaia touched up her pedicure, and Jewel toweled off after a shower. While waiting for Dakini, Noelle plopped down on a comfy chair to catch up with the girls. She didn’t often see her fellow therapists except in passing. Everyone was always so busy or they had schedules opposite hers that she jumped at the chance to gossip with them whenever she could.

  “Whatcha doing tonight, Noelle?” Jewel asked. As one of the older therapists at Devi’s, she showed small crinkles around her still stunning blue-green eyes.

  “I’m grabbing a drink with Dakini. Would you like to join?”

  “Thanks, but I’m heading home after I drop Gaia off. I’m back here bright and early. Covering Isabella’s shift. She went to the mountains for a few days.”

  “Oh, now that sounds heavenly. I wouldn’t mind getting away myself sometime soon.”

  “I’m with you on that, sister,” Gaia said, stuffing the polish in her bag and throwing back her red hair.

  Noelle stripped and headed toward the shower.

  “Hey, who was that gorgeous client you had the other day? The tall guy with the bed head?” Jewel called after

  A warm flush washed over Noelle as she pictured herself on Dalt’s chaise. His tongue between her legs. “Oh, that was Mr. R.”

  “Lucky you. How was he?” Jewel persisted.

  Nosy girl.

  “What do you mean?” Nice guy, but it’s not gonna happen.

  “You know what I mean!”

  The door opened, and Devi poked her head into the room. “Ladies, let’s get going. We don’t want to be here all night.”

  “I’m just jumping in the shower while I’m waiting for Dakini. She’ll be done any minute,” Noelle said, inching toward the shower to escape Jewel’s line of questioning.

  “Can you lock up for me then?”

  “Of course. Have a good night,” Noelle called after Devi had let the door close.

  But she hadn’t moved fast enough.

  “So, are you gonna tell us anything about him?” Jewel returned to her line of questioning.

  “Who are we talking ’bout?” Dakini asked as she joined them in the staff room.

  “Jewel’s grilling me about Mr. R.”

  “Oh yes!” Dakini turned to Gaia and Jewel. “Did Noelle tell you she posed for him?”

  “Oooh!” Gaia said as Jewel whistled softly.

  “Okay. It’s true, I did. But it was business and nothing more.”

  “Well that’s a damn shame,” Dakini said, turning to her coworkers. “But you know our girl, Noelle.”

  “Yup.” Jewel said. “That’s our girl.”

  Noelle and Dakini relaxed into their barstools at The Left Bank, a cute French bistro sort of place with a dancing pig on the wall. Noelle ordered two Stellas.

  “I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages,” Dakini said.

  Noelle saw Dakini staring past her to the other end of the bar. The object of Dakini’s interest was a bartender she’d had a crush on since, well, forever. Her best friend had a weakness for scruffy tattoo guys with man buns. Noelle rolled her eyes at Dakini’s not-so-discrete glance. The moment the guy paid attention, Dakini’s interest would be over.

  “How’s life?” Dakini asked.

  “It’s okay. Same old BS with my brother, though. He was in jail for two days. Again.”