Devi's Bliss: Bools 1-3 Read online

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  As he sank deeper, her head bucked, and with each inch, she gasped harder until her throat was raw. Her fingers stroked her erect clit, multiplying the tremors in her stretching pussy.

  When he rammed his cock all the way in she shrieked at the initial fullness, relishing a perfect combination of pleasure and pain, until there was nothing but a sort of high trance rocking her body.

  Boone reached around to catch her swinging breasts. Holding them, he pulled her up against his chest. His lips fell to her neck, nibbling, kissing, and sucking. He discovered her hand working her clit and pushed it out of the way to finger her wet pussy himself as his cock rammed in and out. Reaching behind her, she grasped his hair, completing their entanglement. He fucked her until their rhythms matched. They were lost, and she didn’t ever want to be found. It was that good.

  Holding her, Boone had one hand on her pussy, the other cupping her breasts, his lips on her neck.

  She began to moan as her body convulsed. “I’m coming. Boone, I’m coming.”

  “Yeah, Butterfly, I’ve got you. Let go.”

  Her head thrashed and her hair flew as she cried out long and loud, screaming until she lost her voice. As her orgasm pounded on, Boone reached his. She felt him throb inside her, a pulsing heat, as he groaned beside her ear. He continued fingering her clit, and she came again while his pumping subsided.

  He released her and she collapsed on the sofa, head hanging from sagging shoulders. He scooped her into a spoon position, and they lay side by side while their panting slowed.

  Breath back to normal, Boone discarded the condom and led Isabella by the hand to his bedroom where they fell into bed. Their limbs entwined while they drifted through the blissful release they’d given each other.

  After a time, Isabella’s consciousness floated back into the room. She turned to find Boone snoring like he had the first time they’d met at Devi’s Bliss. She cupped her palm lightly against his cheek, and his eyes flew open.

  He took her hand and pressed it to his lips. “Hey.”


  It didn’t surprise her to see him with another erection. She ran her hand down his strong torso, over his hip, and took hold of his length, stroking him up and down, capturing the pre-cum already beading again at his tip. Her other hand scooped under his relaxed balls, caressing them with a light tug. Boone fell onto his back in slow ecstasy, stretching his arms overhead to brace against the bedposts.

  Isabella lowered her mouth over his stiff cock, and as she dove deeper, the head banged the back of her throat. She gagged only a bit as she bobbed up and down, her lips encircling him to create a tight suction. The salty taste of cum from his last explosion was delicious, and she swallowed what was left behind. She continued to work his balls until they tightened in her grasp, his breath growing hard and raspy.

  “Fuck, Butterfly. That’s good.”

  Oh? Time to raise the stakes.

  Her gaze met his for a long moment, and she slowly pulled his cock out of her mouth, imparting one last teasing lick. She kept it in her grip and pushed it aside, lowering her tongue to his balls. She explored them with long strokes of her tongue, taking as much of his sac into her mouth as she could handle.

  “Holy shit!” he bellowed as his back arched with tension.

  His hand flew to the top of her head, and he urged her to take more. Watching, he smiled as she took his balls deeper. He groaned as if the resulting suction pulverized his every nerve.

  “Butterfly. Stop.”


  Boone turned to his nightstand for another condom. He whipped it on and tossed the wrapper to the floor. “Get on top of me. Now.”

  Isabella felt a familiar ache in her pussy as she anticipated the pleasure to come. Her face lit with a smile.

  She scooted toward his midsection and straddled him, taking his cock and rubbing it against her erect clit. She hadn’t realized how wet she’d gotten from playing with him, and she rubbed him through her folds to make the torment last just a bit longer.

  “Yeah.” His hands reached for her hips to guide her down on his shaft.

  “Wait,” Isabella said.

  She shifted from straddling him on her knees to planting her feet on either side of him. Crouching deeply, she hovered her pussy over his erection, gradually engulfing him until he was so deep inside, she could stretch no more.

  Isabella leaned back, placing her hands behind her on his thighs. His brows rose as she arched her back and gave him a full view of his cock fucking her bare, dripping pussy.

  “Yeah, Butterfly. Ride me,” he said through choked groans, bucking his hips to meet her grinding.

  Isabella’s vision blurred as she gyrated up and down like a piston, breasts bouncing. She began a free fall into another orgasm and screamed, drenching him with her juices.

  Boone emitted a scorching groan and shudder of his own and thrust his hips one more time. With a ragged grunt, he emptied himself into Isabella. She bounced from her feet back to her knees and fell forward onto Boone, licking a drop of sweat from his brow.

  “Thank god for condoms,” he said. “Without one, I’d blow my wad in two seconds with you.”

  Isabella snuggled her face into his neck as he grabbed a blanket and pulled it over the two of them.

  “Hey.” Boone snuggled her closer.


  “You’re gonna let me fix that IRS problem now, right? Now that you know I’m not a douchebag lawyer?”

  She studied his face. How could she get so lucky to land someone who gave her the best fucking of her life, who could also help put her biggest problem behind her? It was ridiculous she’d ever thought all lawyers were scum, and she felt like an idiot.

  “That would be amazing. That is, if you can forgive me for assuming you were a creepy lawyer.” She smiled and kissed him on the nose, more safe and relaxed than she ever had been. Her heart continued to pound in her ears and lulled her to sleep.

  Chapter 7

  Isabella, dressed in Boone’s white terry bathrobe, accepted a cup of coffee from him the next morning, marveling at the panoramic view his condo held over San Francisco. The ball park was visible in one direction and the Golden Gate Bridge and Marin headlands in the other.

  “How in god’s name did you land this place?” she asked as she sipped. “The views are insane.”

  “The main investor is a client of mine. He gave me first pick of all the units.” He opened a massive toaster oven. “Bagel?”

  “Yes, please.” She nodded. “And that’s an awesome client.” She couldn’t tear herself away from the windows, and she admired one end of the city to the other.

  “Yeah. I’ve worked very hard for him. In fact, I’ve gotten him out of some tax scrapes, too.”

  “Ha. So I’m not the only loser you know then, huh?”

  He walked toward her and turned her to face him. “We’re going to put this behind you. In fact, I’ve already made some calls.”

  “What? How?”

  “I know some people there. When I described your problem, they gave me a contact. As soon as I have your paperwork, I’ll work with one person for the duration of your settlement. No more bouncing around, no more being passed off. No more freezing accounts. Shall we run over to your place this morning to get your stuff? You could try out the new bike.”

  “Oh, Boone!” She threw her arms around his neck.

  His hands burrowed into the thick robe, and he pulled her ass to him. He groaned and then slapped her behind. “I can’t keep my hands off you, Butterfly.”

  “Why is that?”

  “You’re smart and determined. You ride an awesome bike. And have a naughty little dog.” They both laughed at the thought of Taboo.

  He kissed her nose. “And, you’re hot as shit.”

  She blushed and swallowed, a fluttering sensation making her knees wobble.

  “Now go get dressed.”

  Isabella pulled her new bike’s clutch and turned its throttle just
enough to hear the Yamaha’s purr. It was a big bike, and the vibrations reminded her of something else that had been between her thighs just a short time ago. She looked at Boone and nodded her appreciation, fully expecting to thank him more profusely later when they weren’t wearing helmets and trying to holler over loud bikes.

  She followed him as he rolled his Harley out of his parking space, driving from the garage to the street. He pulled over to allow her to lead the way to her Mission neighborhood and watch her on the new bike. Isabella’s heart soared, and she reveled in feeling so safe and happy. She could handle anything life threw her way.

  Once in her apartment, Isabella dragged out the stack of folders she’d collected since she first was informed by the IRS that her ex owed them money.

  Boone flipped through several of the folders, pulling out the letters and forms he needed. “Is this your social security number?”

  “Yup. That’s it.”

  “Okay. I’m gonna make a couple calls right now to the guy I’ve already been talking to.”

  Isabella left Boone on the phone and dove into straightening out the apartment that she hadn’t spent much time in lately. Following a trail of chewed up paper that ended under her bed, she was relieved to find it was only junk mail the wayward Taboo had gotten into again, having chewed it to the consistency of confetti.

  Boone found her in the bedroom. “Good news. Your account will be reinstated by the end of the day. Everything else will take a bit longer to straighten out, but I’d say this is a really good start.”

  Her hand flew to her mouth as she closed her eyes, and her legs trembled. Collapsing onto the edge of the bed, she broke down in tears. Boone sat and put his arms around her, stroking her hair as relief poured through her.

  With a trembling voice, she tried to speak. “I…I can’t…I mean…thank you. Thank you, Boone.”

  He pulled her toward him and kissed the top of her head. “There’s more work to be done, but this is a big step.”

  “You’ve been so kind. And I’ve been awful. I’m so sorry.” Isabella looked down at her hands and shook her head.

  “Hey. Forget it. We all have reasons for the things we do.”

  She tensed in preparation for the risk she was about to take. “Boone.”


  Her heart pounded, and she gripped the bed sheets so tightly they might have ripped. “Um. I love you.”

  He pulled his head back, holding her at arm’s length.

  Shit, was that just a huge mistake?

  She continued. “And Boone? I know you love me, too.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “And how do you know that?”

  “Because you’ve shown me every day since the day we first met.”

  Two weeks later, Isabella let Boone lead the way as she followed him on her new bike up Highway 101. She was beside herself excited about their long-awaited weekend away up the California coast to the old fishing village of Mendocino, now a popular getaway for Bay Area romantics. They’d crammed the little they would need for their trip in their bikes’ top cases and dropped Taboo, who still had not passed his dog training classes, at Aurora’s.

  Aside from planning a few walks on the beach and some good meals, they really just wanted to just stay in their room, drink good wine, and pulverize each other with passion all weekend. Isabella had reached a new level of ease with the world in the knowledge that her shadows were Boone’s, and his were hers.

  On the sun-streaked morning they made their way north, they exited the freeway to stop by Devi’s to drop off a key to Isabella’s apartment. Their bikes’ roaring silenced when they parked and cut their engines. Using her after hours key to enter the closed spa, Isabella left Boone to wait with the bikes, and check the weather app on his phone. It was going to be a gorgeous couple days in Mendocino.

  But as quickly as Isabella had run into the spa, she came flying back out.

  Boone looked up from his phone. “Isabella, what’s going—”

  “Help,” she cried. “Please. Help me, Boone.”

  He raced for the door and followed her down the dark corridor to the staff room.

  There, Devi lay in the middle of the room, unmoving.

  Tearing off his riding gloves, Boone pressed his fingers to Devi’s neck and lowered his face to check her breath.

  “Isabella, call 911,” Boone shouted, and Isabella grabbed her phone.

  As she gave emergency services the spa’s address through a trembling voice, she watched Boone place the heel of his hand in the center of Devi’s chest. His other hand flew on top and he straightened his arms for leverage. He began swift chest compressions.

  “One, two, three…” When he’d quickly counted to thirty his hands left her chest. Holding her nose, he blew two hard puffs of air into her mouth.

  Isabella finished her call, and kneeling next to her boss, she spoke softly as if to coax her back into consciousness. “C’mon, Devi, c’mon.” She held the beloved woman’s hand in her own shaking one and fought back her tears. There’d be time for them later.

  With sweat running down his temples, Boone continued his rhythm of thirty compressions to two breaths. Unaware of the passing time, he didn’t look up until the paramedics arrived and took over.

  Relieved of his post, he sat back on the floor wearing a dazed look. His entire body trembled from the adrenaline rush and he looked close to tears—a state Isabella hadn’t before seen him in.

  Her thoughts spun in a panic as she watched the paramedics. She continued her whispered chanting. “Please Devi, hang on.”

  Then a realization struck her. “Oh, god, we have to call her partner. We have to call Ruth.” She frantically searched her phone’s contact list.

  As Ruth’s number rang, the paramedics hoisted Devi onto a stretcher and rushed her toward the door for the short ride to Marin General Hospital. As they approached the ambulance outside, they indicated there was room for Isabella if she wanted to ride with them in the back. She looked at Boone.

  “Go with Devi,” he said. “I’ll lock up and meet you there.”

  Isabella’s face started to crumble as she crawled in the back of the ambulance. Before the doors closed, her eyes met Boone’s.

  “It will be okay, Butterfly. We’ll make sure it’s all okay.”

  And she knew that together, they would.

  The End

  If you enjoyed Isabella’s story, please leave a review on:


  The Devi’s Bliss journey is continued in:

  Devi’s Bliss: a story of Aurora

  Order at Amazon

  keep reading for an excerpt…

  Excerpt from Devi’s Bliss:

  a story of Aurora

  Aurora’s wild hair blew around her face in the sea breeze, but her down jacket blocked the night’s chill. Regardless, Hale put an arm around her shoulders as they walked. San Francisco glittered on the other side of the bay and the decorative LED lights of the Bay Bridge danced in the distance.

  This is why I love this place.

  The waterfront was silent except for the tide’s slap against the seawall’s rocks, and the occasional seagull cry. They settled on a bench in the beautiful dark.

  “It’s just stunning,” Aurora whispered.

  “So are you.”

  In spite of the dim light, she felt Hale’s gaze on her and a tingle shot right through to her core. If she didn’t feel his lips on her soon—

  As if he could read her mind, his mouth was suddenly on hers, soft and exploring, as if asking permission. Her hand flew up to the side of his face, her fingers scraping through his beard, and she pulled him in to feel more of him.

  Her nipples throbbed as their lips brushed softly, his breath smelling of good red wine and fresh air. When he pressed harder on her mouth she fell into him, parting her lips to invite his tongue and feeling the impact in every cell in her body. She felt his hand on the zipper of her jacket and when he could access her neck, he turn
ed his attention there.


  Devi’s Bliss: a story of Aurora

  Order at Amazon

  Contact Mika Lane

  Also By Mika Lane

  Devi’s Bliss Novella Series







  Order on Amazon

  About Mika Lane

  In all its forms, writing has been a passion of Mika’s since a young age, but erotic romance is what gives purpose to her days and nights. She lives in the magical and funky San Francisco Bay Area. A devotee of the intelligent and beautiful, and lover of shiny things, she’s a yogi, hiker, traveler, thinker, observer, urbanite, book worm, and she has been known to drink cheap champagne. And she has too many shoes.