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The Renovation: A Reverse Harem Romance Page 14

  “When are you leaving?” she asked.

  “I’m supposed to be there within the month.” I turned to her. “I don’t feel like I should stay at the house with the guys any more. Can I come stay with you?”

  “Of course you can, sweetie. You can stay as long as you like. I’ll send the dogs to my parents’ house. You can bring your cat.” She held my hand.

  “Thanks, Shelle. I knew I could count on you.”

  “Of course, sweetie. Always.” She pulled me into an embrace. I didn’t know what I was going to do without her.

  As muddled as my head was, it actually felt good to get to work. I was dying for something to occupy my brain.

  But when I got there, I realized that was not to be.

  My desk was covered in four giant vases of flowers.


  And, the tears were back.

  I plopped down at my desk in reception, wishing I didn’t have to sit in such a public place when I felt so shitty.

  Mr. Renner passed through on the way to his office. “Well, look at all the flowers you’ve got. You have some very nice friends, helping you celebrate your new job this way.”

  He was right. I did.

  Tanner wandered in next.

  “Hey,” he said quietly.

  “Hey,” I said back. “Does everybody hate me?”

  He laughed. “If everybody hated you, do you think they’d send you flowers?”

  Ugh. That goddamn lump was back in my throat.

  He looked around to make sure we were alone. “Baby, don’t beat yourself up. Everyone respects your decision. We may not like it. It may not be what we would do. But you have to do what feels right.”

  Shit. There went one tear, rolling right down my cheek. One from my other eye quickly followed.

  “This is hard on you,” Tanner said.

  Oh, why did he have to be so nice?

  “But we’re here for you. I’m here for you. I always will be, no matter what.”

  I swallowed hard and nodded. It was about all I could do.

  When he was gone, I contemplated opening the flowers’ cards right then or saving them until later. I pulled them all out of the arrangements and held the little white envelopes, each so small, but each brimming with the promise of love.

  Love that I was walking away from.

  I tore open the envelopes, one at a time, letting the ripped paper flutter to the floor.

  Each of these petals is a kiss I’m sending you—Carter

  You’ve stolen my heart—Dig

  You have brought so much to my life—Wyatt

  You take my breath away—Tanner

  Well, shit.

  Chapter 28


  I think all us guys took the news from Jayma okay. We weren’t happy about it, and speaking for myself, I didn’t get a wink of sleep that night. Not sure anybody in the house did.

  She did her best to talk us out of the house renovation, but we couldn’t be swayed. She figured she’d just let the bank take it, and that would be the end of it, but we had different plans. With Carter heading up the reno, and Dig the sale, I was feeling pretty good about her getting her money back and then some. It was a good challenge, and it was always great to tell a bank to take a hike.

  Plus, I really liked all the guys. We were a good group. With Jayma in the picture or not, I figured we’d still hang out. So all was not lost.

  We’d had a couple days to think over what her move meant. She’d taken her stuff and gone over to her friend’s house, so that left things pretty subdued. But it had given us time to come up with a plan while we continued the renovation.

  We’d asked her to come back over to Carter’s to talk. I wasn’t surprised she agreed. I figured she missed us as much as we missed her.

  I was just finishing up for the day at her house. The plumbing wasn’t in horrible shape, per se, it was just old and a lot of the pipes needed replacing. When the walls were all open and you could easily get to anything you want, the job would go pretty fast.

  Being in her house and wondering if I’d ever see her again was playing a trip on my head. When no one was around, I slipped behind the huge sheet of plastic that closed off her bedroom and sneaked into her room. I closed the door behind me and sat down on her bed.

  The room looked and smelled just like her. Like the Jayma I knew and loved.

  Shit. Did I just say love?

  Fuck, was I in trouble.

  There was a fresh, clean scent to the room, which was decorated in what my mom would call “neutral tones.” There was a lot of gray and white, and while that sounds boring as hell, I have to tell you, it was real soothing. I ran my hand over the down comforter on her bed, imagining she was in here with me.

  God, I was turning into a pussy.

  When I was coming out of the room, I ran smack into Carter. I must have looked embarrassed as hell.

  “Dude,” he said, “I did the same thing yesterday. I went in her room just to…feel close to her for a moment.”

  So I wasn’t the only one.

  “Yeah…” I didn’t know what else to say.

  Carter put his hand on my shoulder. “What do you say we head out? We gotta get showered up before Jayma comes over.”

  “Yeah. It’s been a long day. We got a shitload done,” I said, looking around the place. I loved that everyone saw the potential in the house. With a bit of polishing, it would be quite the gem.

  The challenge now was our race against the clock.

  We guys were in the living room, trying to relax, but the conversation was light. The doorbell rang, and Dig jumped up to answer it.

  “You don’t have to ring the bell, sweetie,” he said, kissing her on the cheek.

  I wanted to kiss her, too, but it was time to be patient. If it was meant to be, that would come later. That, and more.

  After hellos were said and Jayma had a glass of wine in her hand, Carter took the lead. It was his house and his idea to have her back over.

  He stood for the occasion.

  “Jayma, we have a proposition for you, all four of us do.” He looked around the room, and we nodded at him to continue.

  She sat with her legs crossed, her back ramrod straight. There was no hiding that she was just as nervous as we were.

  Carter continued, “As you have probably noticed, none of us is thrilled about the idea of your moving to Chicago. We’re happy about your promotion—the move, not so much.” He took a sip of his scotch.

  “We understand why you want to leave us, and that you feel you can’t move forward without hurting someone. That’s very decent of you. Wouldn’t you agree, guys?” He looked around. Our nodding heads answered his question.

  Jayma’s face was deathly white, and her wine glass was shaking in her hand.

  “So what we want to say to you, darling, is that you don’t have to choose.”

  As she let the news sink in, confusion crossed her face in a furrowed brow. “Huh? What do you mean? I don’t get it.”

  “We love you, Jayma.”

  There was a chorus of yes, we do, as her eyes widened.

  “And we all want to be with you. We don’t want you to choose. We want to share you. All four of us.”

  “I don’t get it,” she said. Her eyes were filling with tears. Shit, mine were, too.

  “If you’ll have us, we’d like you to move back in. Come live with us.”

  “Like, be with all of you?” she asked, looking at each of us.

  “Speaking for myself, I think it would be hot as shit,” Dig said with his usual big smile.

  “Yeah? What about you, Wyatt, and you, Tanner?”

  “We’re totally down with it. It would be great to know that there’s always someone looking after you when we’re not around,” I said.

  Carter nodded. “Thanks to your bringing us together—or should we thank your friend Shelle?—Wyatt and I are going to partner in our work. Most jobs we do require the skills we both bring to the tabl
e. Dig, as he builds his clientele, is going to send more and more clients our way. Things could really explode.”

  “Where does that leave Tanner?” she asked.

  He reached from his seat to take her hand. “Jayma, what would you say to you and me opening our own small boutique firm?”

  “What? Can we do that?” she asked.

  “Actually, I’ve discussed it with Mr. Renner. He has more business than he can handle and would love to send some of the smaller clients my way. If you joined me, we’d be doing our own thing but partnering with him at the same time.”

  “Are you kidding?”

  “Absolutely not. It’s up to you, but you now have options. Mr. Renner will support you, I know he will.”

  With a rush of emotion, her bottom lip quivered, and tears ran down her cheeks. We all rushed to her, surrounding her like we were her harem.

  She mumbled something I didn’t catch. It didn’t look like any of the other guys did, either.

  “What was that, sweetie? We couldn’t hear you,” I said.

  “I said okay. Okay, I’ll stay with you guys.” Her voice was wobbly through the tears.

  “I love all of you, too. I really do.” She blew her nose and laughed.

  “I’m in. I’m all in,” she said.

  Chapter 29



  They all wanted me. And I wanted all of them. So I decided to jump in with my heart open wide.

  What’s the worst that could happen?

  I’d end up out on my ass with a house in foreclosure...

  Oh, wait, that had already happened to me.

  I wanted to tell myself it was a crazy, silly idea, and that it would never work. That it was wrong, or dirty, or something terrible like that.

  But the thing was…it didn’t feel wrong. It felt natural. It felt smart. It felt safe.

  The minute I said yes, I was surrounded by all the guys. The air around me was warm, really warm, and my pulse was slamming every inch of my body.

  All four of the guys—my guys—remained completely silent while their eyes blazed into me.

  “Hey, do you guys think—”

  But I never got to finish. Dig pulled me into him, his lips searing mine with a fierceness that momentarily scared me. I moaned into his mouth as I felt six more hands on my body. A pair of lips fell on my neck; someone was unzipping my dress and someone else was removing my shoes.

  A girl could get used to this.

  And I planned to.

  Holy shit. This was really happening.

  But I was ready and I was turned on. I’d never wanted anything so much in my life.

  My clothes were peeled off, and I was laid out on the soft rug on the floor. All around me, the guys were dropping their clothes, too, and in an instant, I was surrounded by gorgeous men with ripped abs, powerful arms, and four very hard—and very large—cocks.

  You know that kid in a candy store feeling?

  Yeah, I know you do.

  “Are you in, baby? It’s not too much?” Tanner asked.

  I looked around at all my loves and gasped, “I’m yours. All of yours.” I pulled Tanner into a kiss.

  I heard soft conversation after that, and I might have even said a few things myself, although I don’t remember much besides the expectation of where eight talented hands were going to take me. I shivered in anticipation, goose bumps exploding over my body. I moaned as Wyatt took his turn kissing me. I lost track of who was doing what when my eyes fluttered closed. My back arched to push my nipples into somebody’s mouth, and two of the others positioned my legs wide apart. Kisses began to run up both my calves and then inner thighs. I was lost in the heat of it all.

  Somebody’s tongue found its way to my pussy and dragged slowly—agonizingly slowly—through my slit, pushing aside my lips to give more access. Pleasure burst through me in a spike just as my nipples were squeezed and twisted to the point of pain. I felt a piece of fabric on my head and Carter—I could tell his voice anywhere—asked if I was okay with a blindfold.

  Hell, yeah.

  He gently pulled what felt like a sleep mask over my eyes, and the sensations running through me multiplied. There were mouths and hands of four amazing men making me feel like a queen.

  A finger entered me, followed by another, pumping slowly. A mouth landed on my clit and drew it between lips that were pillowy and forceful at the same time. I writhed on the floor, all sensation magnified because I couldn’t see.

  “How are you, baby?” Dig’s voice whispered in my ear.

  “Mmmm…good,” was about all I could manage.

  “Okay, darling. Because we’re gonna make you feel better than you ever have in your life.”

  Someone’s mouth, wet from my pussy, ran over my own. I loved the taste and smell and opened my greedy mouth for more.

  Everything—all of it—was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. Every single inch of my being was taken care of by my boys, making me feel like I might shatter under the pleasure of it all. Someone’s dick was placed in my hand, and I began to stroke it. Another found its way to my mouth, and the fingers in my pussy were replaced by a cock that entered me very slowly, a little bit at a time, allowing me to adjust. On the other side, I felt the rhythm of someone stroking himself into my breasts.

  When one of them was fully seated inside me, I was rocked by the motion of fucking. At the other end, I held someone’s balls, directing a cock in and out of my hungry mouth until my cheeks hollowed. The pressure inside me built like an ember about to spark into a roaring fire.

  “Come for us, beautiful,” Wyatt murmured in my ear. “We want to see you come.”

  I was surrounded by sensation, and moaning—so much moaning. A thick, hot stream of semen landed on my breasts, accompanied by a loud growl. The load was abundant and ran off me on to the rug below.

  The pounding in my pussy was fevered, and the cock in my mouth pistoned until my lovers came in me at the same time.

  Holy fuck.

  I pounded my one empty fist on the floor as an orgasm shattered over me. Even though I had the mask over my eyes, there were flashes of light while my entire body spasmed. I’d never come like that, not even close. But then, I’d never been with four men at once.

  I gasped for air as the guys around me did the same, me still full of cock on both ends, and now in my hands, as well.

  And all I could think about was how I wanted to do it again.

  I pulled the mask off my eyes and what a sight to behold. Four of the most fucking gorgeous men walking the face of this earth were all hovering over me, admiring me, loving me, and taking care of me.

  And this was just the beginning.

  Chapter 30


  True to his word, Carter pulled off Jayma’s house reno with time to spare. That guy was a fucking rockstar, no doubt about it. He’d even fronted the money for everything.

  I walked through the place one last time before the open house I’d scheduled, which promised to bring in a shitload of hungry buyers. I hoped they had a lot of cash—or at least good credit—‘cause this baby was going to go for a pretty penny.

  The walls were new. The floors were new. The lighting, electrical, and plumbing were new. We’d installed updated wainscoting, picture rail, molding, cabinets, appliances—you name it—the place was a stunner. They’d even fixed the foundation and dry rot. I knew there’d be a lot of folks dying to get into a home as clean as this one.

  Jayma, of course, was beside herself. I could tell, though, that she was a little sad that she’d never get to live in the house in its pristine state. That dream had not come true. But hopefully her new life with us outweighed any disappointment. I was pretty sure it did.

  I put the open house signs out front, and Jayma brought over home baked cookies and lemonade for our visitors. We were leaving nothing to chance. We had two days to get a contract on the house in order to fend off the vultures that called themselves a bank.

sp; The work that had been done on the house would also serve as a sort of calling card for Carter and Wyatt’s new home building partnership. The work they did together was the best you could find in the entire Bay Area. I was already sending my clients to them, and they were sending referrals to me. Good news all around.

  As Tanner had planned, he and Jayma were leaving the ad agency, with the blessing of its owner, to hang out their own shingle for a new, boutique-style firm. Mr. Renner had thrown a few small clients their way, but we were all most excited about the work they were going to do for Carter and Wyatt’s new business. It really was kind of wild how things had just fallen into place. Life was funny that way. You’d be beating your head against the wall over and over, trying to achieve something, and then one day, things just worked. They fell into place as if they’d always been there. Maybe they had, and we’d been just too close—or too dumb—to see it.

  We were all getting to know Jayma’s crazy friend Shelle, too. Every now and then, she’d come over to Carter’s house—now our house—with a carload of dogs. She’d set them loose in the backyard and they’d go wild sniffing everything before settling down. Of course, we locked the cat in the house, first. Tanner and Jayma were going to help Shelle promote her business, too, although she was doing so well, I don’t see how she could handle more customers. Or dogs.

  After two days of open houses, we had twenty offers. Jayma chose the one that would settle the fastest and paid off the note on the house with mere hours to spare.

  How often does that happen?

  She was able to repay Carter the money he’d fronted for the reno, too, and then pocket what was left. So against all odds, she managed to make some money on that damn house.

  Don’t you know the douchebag ex-boyfriend came sniffing around when he found she’d done well with the sale of the house. But he didn’t have a goddamn leg to stand on, even though he whined like a baby about “all the money he put into the place.”

  My ass. I kicked him the hell out and told him to never return. He slunk off like a little kid who’d been scolded.