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The Gallery_A Reverse Harem Romance Page 13

  When the last guest had gone, I wandered around the gallery, now being quickly transformed from a night as a sex club back to its normal state. It had been a good evening by most measures, with our usual full house. Some of the artwork had even sold, which Blu had taken care of.

  “Hey,” I said weakly when I found Blu, his eyes red and bloodshot.

  “I can’t fucking believe this,” he said. “I mean, we all went to college together.”

  “I’m sorry Blu. I’m sorry you lost a friend. Sorry all you guys lost a friend.”

  My shoulders trembled and then began to heave. I buried my face in Blu’s chest, and my quiet tears fell. I knew he’d joined me when I heard him sniffling.

  I lifted my head.

  “Blu, I can’t have any more parties here in the gallery.”

  “Well, I can understand that. But sweetie, Smith’s accident had nothing to do with you, or the gallery. It could have happened on his way home from anything.”

  “I don’t know, Blu. It just wouldn’t feel right. I never should have had parties here to begin with. This is an art gallery, not a night club.”

  “Okay. I get it. I respect your decision, and I know the guys will, too.”

  I gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks.”

  “For what?” he asked.

  I shrugged. Where to begin? The list was long. “For…just being you. And being there for me.”

  He held my hand. “’Course, baby. You’re my bestie.”

  “And thank you for introducing me to the guys.”

  A wicked look crossed his face. “You sure seem to like them.”

  Frowning, I nodded. “Yeah, of course. What’s not to like?”

  Blu nodded. “I know. I’ve been friends with them for years, and I wouldn’t have let a single one of them near you if they weren’t the high-quality men I know you deserve. Unlike that douche-y ex of yours.”

  “Soon-to-be-ex. Actually, not soon enough.”

  “What are you going to do about the guys?”

  I looked around to make sure no one was within earshot. “I’m not sure. Sumner is so smart and serious, and he looks out for everyone. Chase is just a pile of mush. He’s so in love with his baby. Gio is about the most charming man I’ve ever met, with his European style and manners. And Ash is my wild, exotic animal—a bit unpredictable. And they’re all so goddamn sexy.”

  “Sounds like you hit the guy lottery, my friend. Or should I say the harem lottery?” He laughed.

  My stomach knotted, just as it had every time I tried to figure out how to handle my predicament. “Well, I won something, that’s for sure. I’m just don’t know what yet. I mean, at some point, I have to choose one of them. If they even want me. I don’t know how I’ll do that when the time comes.”

  “You’ll figure it out, sweetie. And I’ll be there right by your side.” He glanced at his watch. “But tonight, I am leaving you in the capable hands of Ash and Gio, if that’s okay.”

  Ah. It was Blu’s turn to have fun, away from the heterosexual world he’d been immersed in all night.

  “Yeah. Go. Do you have one of your hook ups?” I asked.

  He stood and pulled me to my feet. “You know it. Actually, this guy I’ve seen a couple times now. How ‘bout the three of us have brunch, some time?”

  Whoa. He’d actually seen someone more than one time, and he wanted me to meet him?

  “Well, well, well. My little Blu is finally growing up…”

  “Oh, shut up, you little whore. At least I’m not fucking four men.” He leaned toward my ear as he saw Ash approaching. “And I’m so jealous of you, you little beotch.”

  I waved him off. “You love me. I know you do.”

  He gave me a quick peck on the lips and took off for the door.

  “What a night,” I said to Ash.

  I suddenly felt like I’d been hit by a truck. I could only imagine how the guys felt.

  “Let’s go home,” he said. “Gio!” he called.

  “Right here, fratello. Ready to go?” Gio asked.

  “Yeah. Our car is out front. The crew will finish everything else up.”

  We headed for the door of my gallery, my refuge in the storm that had become my life. I walked between both of my guys, holding their hands in each of mine.

  We hopped into the back of Ash’s car.

  “Where to, Mr. Ash?” the driver asked over his shoulder.

  But I spoke up first. “My place.”

  Ash and Gio nodded, and we headed home.

  Chapter 24


  After I’d given the driver Avril’s address, I must have conked out. Next thing I knew, we were stopped in front of her building, and she was shaking me awake.

  I looked around, initially unsure of where I was. But when I realized my beautiful Avril was hovering over me, trying to get me inside and to bed, a quiet calm washed over me.

  I could get used to waking up to that angelic face on a regular basis.

  The three of us stumbled into Avril’s elevator, silent and numb from the news of Smith’s death.

  He’d been at college with Blu and the rest of us. He’d always been somewhat of an ass, but we let him tag along with us. After graduation, he’d moved to LA for several years to try his hand working for the big studios as a finance guy. But sometimes you just can’t shake the East Coast out of someone. He eventually found his way back to New York, and we made him a limited partner. He got his name on our masthead, but since he wasn’t one of the founders, he didn’t have as much influence over our business as the rest of us. I think he was just happy to be home. Never once did he mention missing the sunshine, palm trees, and swimming pools. That always kind of surprised me. I guess that made him a true New Yorker.

  And now he was gone. Just like that. We’d invited him to his first Kink Lab—not without some trepidation—but we wanted to give him a chance and see if he could hang. Gio had a little ‘talk’ with him. It undoubtedly pissed him off, but he had to be warned.

  A lot of good it did.

  I had no idea what happened for him that night. I’d not seen him since he first arrived, but I did know he drank too much and got behind the wheel of his car.

  It just made no sense. He could have taken a cab or gotten someone’s driver to give him a lift home. God knew enough of the people at the party had arrived in limos. But for some insane reason, he drove.

  I shot Sumner a text to see if he was still at the hospital. I wasn’t sure what they did when someone died, but I knew Sum had to identify him and probably sign papers since Smith’s parents were gone and he was an only child.



  You good? Things ok?

  Yeah. It’s all so goddam unnecessary. This didn’t have to happen

  I know, brother. Thanks for taking care of our friend

  And even though right then was not the time to think about it, I couldn’t help but wonder what impact his death would have on RESLR, or Kink Lab.

  We entered Avril’s sprawling apartment. She kicked off her shoes, and Ash and I tossed our coats over chairs and loosened our ties.

  “Anyone care for a drink?” she asked.

  “That would be buonissimo, cara,” Gio said.

  Christ, even at this late hour, when we were all exhausted and stunned by Smith’s death, Gio managed to sound elegant and in control. He’d always been that way. Made him a star with the ladies.

  We sat, sipping our cognac, while Avril excused herself. From where I sat in the living room, I could see her bed, and it was seriously calling to me. I had to fight the urge to kick off my shoes and get under the covers for the night.

  But I wasn’t going to do that. I wanted a bit more time with my lovely Avril.

  And wouldn’t you know it, she came back into the living room wearing a lush silk robe, sort of pearl-colored like her dress of earlier in the evening. Only this time, she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. And the silk was sheer, as light-colored fabric
s often are.

  Her brown nipples stabbed at the thin fabric covering them, rousing my dick to attention. If I thought I might be too tired to get it up, well, Avril had proved me wrong just by walking into the room.

  I watched as she crossed to get her drink, the robe fabric draping over her ass and showing off her bum’s slight jiggle. I glanced over at Gio. He was in about the same shape I was—mesmerized.

  The evening was late, and I had no time to waste. I got up and took Avril’s drink from her. I was almost too tired to make a pass at our girl. Almost, but not quite.

  I pulled the bow that held her robe closed. The silk fluttered open, revealing the inner swell of her breasts, her smooth, soft stomach, and a completely shaved pussy.

  Goddamn. I was all I could do to remain upright.

  I glanced back to see Gio watching, wearing the slightest smile on his face. I pushed Avril’s robe back over her shoulders. It puddled at her feet as it fell, leaving her standing before us, gloriously naked, and sexy as fuck.

  I led her to the bedroom and to the edge of her bed, where she lay back, running her hands over herself. I unbuttoned my starched shirt, my gaze locked with hers, and tossed it aside. I didn’t bother with the rest of my clothes. I was too eager to kneel before her and pull her legs up over my shoulders.

  Before I dove into her delicious pussy, I saw Gio at the side of the bed, removing his own clothes.

  And what a delicious pussy it was. I gently pried apart her swollen lips and dragged my tongue along her slit from top to bottom. I lingered for a moment at her juicy opening, and then moved up to her hard clit.

  I circled her sensitive bud and zeroed in on it with a soft suction. She moaned breathily, and I looked up to see Gio next to her on the bed, his cock in her tight grip.

  Fuck, yeah. I loved sharing a beautiful woman with my buddy.

  Avril began to writhe as I filled her pussy with two, then three fingers and pumped, stretching her while I continued to work her clit. Within moments, she was thrashing on the bed above me, bucking her hips, and pulling Gio’s cock toward her mouth.

  That’s my girl.

  With her mouth full, she exploded in a quiet rage, her tight little body wracked with spasms. Gio pulled out just in time to come all over her tits.

  I stood to shed the rest of my clothes, but before I did, I grabbed a condom out of my pocket. As I sheathed myself, my gaze remained glued to Avril. She was so fucking gorgeous with her black hair fanning over the bed and down across her breasts. I’d never be able to take my eyes off her.

  Gio scooted her up on the bed, and I flipped her over onto her stomach. Positioning myself behind her, I leaned close to her ear.

  “Are you good, baby? Are you ready for me?”

  She nodded so hard, her hair flew in every direction.

  “Fuck me, Ash. Please,” she begged.

  I pressed my cock at her searing opening, my hands gripping her ass and opening her, so I could see myself fucking her.

  She pushed back on me when she was ready, so I slowly gave her all of myself until I was balls-deep inside her.

  “God, Ash. Oh…oh…”

  Gio reached under her to make small circles on her clit. The extra stimulation drove her wild. She bucked back into me until my balls pulled in tight, and I couldn’t see or hear. All I could do was feel with my cock.

  And I felt goddamn good.

  I exploded inside her, my hips propelling me further into her with every violent spurt. She was breathing so hard, I thought she might hyperventilate. When I’d pulled out and tossed the condom, Gio and I pulled her down on the bed with us, wrapping her in all our limbs with both satisfaction and the sadness of knowing nothing in life was certain, and that you could lose it all in a moment. Like Smith had.

  “Guys?” Avril spoke so quietly, I nearly missed what she was saying. “I’m selling the gallery.”

  Chapter 25


  The sun splashed me in the face the next morning, rudely nudging me out of a deep sleep. Ash and Gio were on either side of me, beginning to stir, too. But before they were fully awake, I had the chance to admire them. The sun reflected off a light sheen of perspiration on Ash’s dark brown skin, and Gio’s normally perfect faux-hawk had been destroyed by bed head. The two of them were perfect.

  Just like Sumner and Chase.

  Christ, what was I doing messing around with four guys? And having sex club parties in my gallery? And buying dresses cut down to my navel at Barneys?

  Was I out of my mind?

  Just then, Gio rolled over, swinging an arm around my waist. At nearly the same time, Ash’s hand moved under the sheets and when it collided with mine, grasped two of my fingers.

  No, I wasn’t out of my mind. Not at all. I’d never felt safer, or more cherished, in my life.

  I could have laid there forever.

  Someone’s phone buzzed, and the guys gradually woke up. I wasn’t sure whose it was, but I wasn’t about to move as long as I was encased by two beautiful men.

  “Hey. Good morning,” Ash said, releasing my hand and sitting up.

  He crawled out of the bed, stretching and yawning, and shit, did he look delicious naked. He unselfconsciously scratched at his balls while looking around the room for the buzzing phone.

  “Gio, it’s your phone. Here, bro,” he said, tossing it in his direction.

  Gio raised one hand above the sheets just in time to catch it.

  “It’s Sumner,” he said, swiping open.

  “Buongiorno, Sumner. I’m guessing it was a late night for you?”

  I let Gio continue his conversation and popped out of bed to make coffee for the three of us. Ash pulled on his trousers and followed me to the kitchen.

  “What’s this about selling the gallery?” Ash asked, with his eyebrows raised.

  I should have known that was coming. I’d shared my news just as we were falling asleep—I guess to avoid the inevitable conversation.

  And now I felt like a little kid about to get into trouble. I busied myself with the coffee to avoid looking at him. “I guess after last night, losing Smith and all, it just seems like a bad omen. Something just doesn’t feel right. Like the place is tainted.”

  Ash settled into one of the stools at the kitchen counter and accepted a mug of steaming coffee. “Avril, it’s tragic what happened to Smith, but it has nothing to do with your gallery, or Kink Lab for that matter. I mean, I’m sad about it too. I’ve known him since we were roommates in college.”

  “I’m sorry, Ash. You know I lost my sister in a car crash.” God it still hurt to say those words out loud. It was as if by not speaking about the loss out loud, I could perpetually keep it from being real.

  “I did know that, baby. One of the other guys told me.” Looking down at his coffee, he shook his head. “I can’t imagine what that has been like for you.”

  That familiar tight feeling in my chest was making itself at home again. I took discreet deep breaths. If I didn’t get it under control right then, my entire day would be out of whack.

  “Sometimes, I can’t imagine what it’s like, either. And then I realize I’m living in the middle of it,” I said.

  He walked around the kitchen island to me and pulled on the belt of my bathrobe. It fell open, inviting his warm hands to my breasts.

  “I’m going to kiss you now,” he said.

  “Then shut up and do it.”

  Just as his lips met mine, there was a loud throat clearing from the bedroom doorway. Damn if Gio wasn’t standing there in his unclothed glory, the smooth mounds of muscle all over his body catching the sun streaming in my windows. I followed the perfect splay of chest hair to the thin line over his tummy, to his uncircumcised cock, which was at rest but nonetheless gorgeous.

  I pulled my robe closed and poured a cup of coffee for him, too. “You’d better put on some clothes, you brute, or the three of us will never get out of the house this morning,” I said.

  He grabbed me by the
waist and kissed me deeply, while Ash rolled his eyes and smiled.

  Damn, I was one lucky girl.

  “How was your call with Sumner?” I asked.

  “About as you would expect. Weary and sad,” Gio said, shaking his head. He headed back into the bedroom and started to pull on his clothes.

  I plopped down on the edge of the bed to watch.

  Ash stood in the doorway.

  “Mia cara, what is this about selling your gallery? Surely you know that’s completely pazzo.”

  I twisted my robe’s tie. “After last night…I don’t know. I mean, it’s really left a bad taste in my mouth. And not only that, but my ex’s name is on the lease, and it looks like that could be an issue. I found out last night right before the party. I didn’t want to say anything then.”

  Ash looked pissed. “What is wrong with that asshole? He can’t force you to close.”

  I was blown away by the guys’ support. I hadn’t known them for all that long—well, not intimately anyway—and they totally had my back. Like we’d been friends forever. Or lovers forever.

  “You guys. Thank you. I love your support.”

  Gio pulled on his jacket, kissed my forehead, and headed for the door. “We know, cara, you must make your own decisions. You are a smart, strong woman. It’s what we love about you.”


  Ash’s head snapped in Gio’s direction, and they exchanged a look.

  What the hell was going on? I looked from one to the other.

  “Let’s talk later, bella. I just got off the phone with Sumner. He was up all night taking care of Smith’s affairs. I want to get to the office to see what I can do to help.”

  “I’ll head out with you, Gio,” Ash said, looking at his watch. “I want to get in touch with anyone Smith might have had meetings with.” His last few words broke up, and he struggled to hold on to his composure.

  I ran over to him.

  “Oh, baby, I’m sorry.” I kissed him, and then Gio.

  “Look,” he said, “let’s all of us get together tonight. We need to talk about some things.”

  All of us? Like all five of us?