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The Renovation: A Reverse Harem Romance Page 10

  Speaking of Dig, he stepped back to admire his handiwork. His face was dark with hunger, his gaze running over her as if he didn’t know where to stop. If I didn’t know him better, shit, I’d probably be afraid of him. He dropped to his knees, and settling back on his haunches, ran his hands up Jayma’s legs. When he closed in on her inner thighs, she arched back against me, squirming and moaning.

  Shit, this girl was everything. Beautiful, sexy, smart, and a go-getter. She wasn’t waiting around for some guy to take care of her like so many other women I’d known. She wanted to make her own way, and I loved that about her.

  Dig dove into her wide-open pussy like I knew he would, running up and down her slit, spreading her lips wide open with his swirling tongue. Jayma, shuddering and convulsing, gripped my arms until her fingers left marks.

  “Oh, god,” she cried.

  Dig zeroed in on her clit and began to suck. I couldn’t see much from where I sat, but he must also have filled her with a finger or two and started pumping because she was bucking against me like she was being drilled.

  A spark flew through me, one that told me being where I was at that moment in time was perfect, that I was in exactly the right place, doing exactly what I should be. Jayma trembled, sandwiched between us. A cry broke from her pretty lips as an orgasm at Dig’s hand—and tongue—drove her right over her edge. When she came, screaming and clawing at both Dig and me, I didn’t think I could take much more. But I’d had my turn, and now, it was his.

  He jumped to his feet and positioned himself right in front of Jayma’s face, ripping off his shirt, and letting his pants fall to the floor. His hand flew to his cock, which he presented to her so she could taste his precum. She moaned as she consumed his tang, then let go of my arms and pulled him into her mouth with a grip on his balls. Fuck, it was like she was starving.

  No complaints here.

  Chapter 19


  Ohmygod, ohmygod. I was with two guys at the same time, something I’d fantasized about since, well, I was old enough to fantasize. It was naughty and dirty, and every bit as freaking amazing as you might think.

  God, Dig was attractive, with his dark, powerful heat that seemed to suck all the air out of the room. Shit, Carter was gorgeous too, but Dig was the one I was looking at, at that very moment. And just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore, sitting there, spread-eagled on Carter’s lap, Dig started to finger bang me while licking my clit.

  “Are you a dirty girl, Jayma?” Carter murmured in my ear.

  But I couldn’t answer. I was beyond capable of speech. I lay my head back against his strong chest and let a long and drawn-out orgasm roll over me. Dig stood and offered me his cock, which I hungrily took into my mouth.

  I’d sucked two cocks in one night.

  And I was loving it.

  I took Dig as deeply as I could until he banged the back of my throat. With one hand under his balls, I bobbed my head up and down on him until he groaned.

  “Look at our girl, Carter, taking me so deep,” Dig growled, rocking his hips into my mouth.

  “She’s sweet, isn’t she?” Carter replied.

  Wait. Did he said say our girl?

  When did that happen?

  “Fuck, your mouth feels good. Can I fill you with my cum, baby?” Dig asked.

  “Mmmm.” I pulled away, licking his crown. “Yes, please.”

  Holding my head, he drove his cock back into my mouth before pulling it out again. Back and forth he went until he roared. Hot cum pumped down my throat until I could hardly breathe. I looked up to find his gaze locked on my face with the most beautiful, happy, and peaceful smile, with me situated on Carter’s lap, where he held me close and tight.

  Why had I waited so long to do a threesome?

  Dig pulled me to my feet and Carter left the room, returning with a plushy pink bathrobe that fit me perfectly.

  “You got this for me?” I asked, looking at him.

  “No, I did not.” He looked at Dig. “We did.”

  Tears burned at my eyes, but I didn’t let them fall. I didn’t want to ruin the moment with my excess-sentimentality.

  But I have to say, Lance had never done anything like that for me.

  Not bought me a spontaneous gift, nor given me an orgasm like that. Fuck that loser.

  We staggered over to the living room sofa, where I lay with my head in Dig’s lap and my feet in Carter’s.

  “So, dude, how long can you stay?” Carter asked Dig.

  Did he need to be somewhere?

  Dig shrugged. “As long as I want. My bag is in the car.” He and Carter reached over me to clink beer bottles.

  “Um, what do you mean you have a bag in the car?” I asked, craning my neck to look at each of them.

  “Well, darlin’,” Carter started. “We thought we’d let you test drive us.”

  “Huh?” I mumbled.

  Dig stepped in. “Jayma, as you know, we like to share. And we’d like to share you.”

  “And we thought the best way to introduce you to our little lifestyle was to all live under one roof. See how it goes,” Carter said.

  “In fact,” Dig continued, “we also invited the other two guys you are seeing.”

  “What?” I jumped off the sofa and looked at both of them, my heart pounding. Slamming against my chest in fact. This wasn’t funny. Not at all. I pulled the tie on my bathrobe tighter.

  “Your girlfriend Sharon—“

  “—Shelle, her name is Shelle, Dig,” Carter interrupted.

  “Right, sorry,” Dig said. “Your friend Shelle contacted all of us and suggested we have a meeting, given your predicament. We took it one step further and invited the other guys to move in to make it easier for you to make your choice.”

  “No, no, no, no. Who does that? It’s creepy and weird,” I said.

  What. The. Fuck.

  First off, Shelle was officially no longer my best friend. It was over between us. But first, I would kill her. Or at least yell at her really bad.

  Next, how had she tracked the guys down anyway?

  Actually, from what I’d shared with her, it was probably really easy. I was still going to kill her.

  Carter looked at Dig.

  “Dude. She thinks we’re creepy and weird,” he said, shaking his head.

  Dig’s brow furrowed. Was that hurt on his face?

  “Gee. I think we misread you, Jayma. I’m really sorry.”

  “Wait. What? Okay, hold on, everyone.” I needed to think. Except that I couldn’t. Thanks to our sexy little threesome, my poor head was muddled. My thoughts were mush.

  These guys were great. They were freaking gorgeous, successful, nice as hell, and they wanted to help me out of my shitty predicament.

  They outshone Lance in every category.

  Which I suppose wasn’t really that hard.

  Lance was gradually becoming a distant memory, while my new “friends” made me see that I deserved better. They wanted to treat me like a queen. And they wanted me to believe I deserved to be treated like one, too.

  How did I get so damn lucky?

  Or was this a short-lived fluke?

  “Um, the other guys?”

  Dig looked at Carter, then me. “We understand there are two other guys you’ve recently dated, named, um—” He looked back at Carter, who answered for him.

  “Tanner and Wyatt. The guys’ names are Tanner and Wyatt,” Carter said.

  “Right. Thanks. Anyway, Tanner and Wyatt will be joining us here. They’ll be helping to reno the house, and at the same time, you can get to know us all better.”

  “And…the idea is I’ll choose at the end?”

  They both nodded. “If you want.”


  “Mmm hmmm.”

  Did I already say holy shit?

  Because—holy shit.

  Hey, Jayma,” Shelled chirped into the phone.

  In about thirty seconds, she was not going to be sounding quite as c

  I took a deep breath. But it didn’t help. I exploded.

  “What the fuck, Shelle? Telling the guys about each other and then sharing their information? Are you out of your mind?” I was trying to keep my voice down so Carter and Dig couldn’t hear me downstairs. It wasn’t working.

  “God, you don’t have to yell,” she said testily. “I was doing you a favor. You were wallowing in your own pity party. This will force you to make some decisions and get on with your life.”

  She did not just say that.

  I took a deep breath. “You have got to be kidding. I was doing just fine until you arranged for me to live with four guys—four guys!”

  She giggled. “I know, right? Doesn’t it sound awesome? Hey, can I have a chance at your leftovers?”

  She did have a point. It might very well be awesome. Weird, but awesome.

  However, I wasn’t done being mad.

  “It’s not funny. Stop laughing,” I told her.

  But she didn’t stop laughing. She couldn’t. And her laughter always got me.

  Okay, it was kind of funny. Me, living with four guys at once, who were going to work on my house.

  Sounded like a damn game show. Or a reality show.

  One where I might win.

  “C’mon, Jay. Lighten up. It will be fine. Think of all the great sex you’re gonna have. In fact, do you think I could come over some time?”

  “No, you may not come over. I don’t trust you to behave.”

  “Aww, seriously? That’s kind of crappy and ungrateful.”

  “Really?” I asked. “In what universe is it okay for you to gather the guys I’m dating and get them all to move into a house together? Where I also happen to be living?”

  “You know, Jay,” she said with irritation, “some day, you’ll thank me for this. You’ll see how I’ve helped you—”

  “I gotta go, Shelle. I’ll talk to you later.” I hung up on her mid-sentence. It was a bitchy thing to do, but I’d apologize later.

  I sat down on the edge of the bed in the room that was to be mine until—well, I didn’t know until when. I mean, if we managed to renovate and sell the house before the bank could make off with it, I’d have to find a new place to live, and if the bank took the house, I’d need a new place to live anyway. Who knew how long I’d be at Carter’s? With Dig. And Tanner. And Wyatt.

  And how in god’s name would I choose? I liked them all, truly. There was just something about each one—wonderful in his own way. But still different.

  I flopped back onto my bed. Shit, I was exhausted. The drama was taking it out of me.

  And, I had a big day at work coming up. I was meeting with Mr. Renner to talk about my “future” at the agency. I’d taken the bull by the horns and set it up myself. I figured if I didn’t make it happen, it surely never would.

  Chapter 20


  Well. Now I’d heard it all.

  Jayma’s next door neighbor, a total stranger to me, invited me to move in with him. And two other guys. For a total of four dudes under one roof.

  Oh, and did I mention Jayma would be living there? And her cat?


  At first, I thought the dude was crazy. Certifiably insane. And maybe he was. But the more I thought about it, and my desire to break out of my corporate rut where I had to think about tampons, and hear the particulars of my female colleagues’ monthly cycles, the more I thought it wasn’t any crazier than the life I was already living.

  So I said yes. What was the worst that could happen?

  I might not end up with Jayma, but hey, I could walk away with some cool new guy friends. And Carter told me I could help with the house reno—he’d teach me whatever I wanted to learn.

  It was going to be great to roll up my sleeves and do some hard, physical work for a change. And not hear a goddamn word about tampons.

  I drove over to Jayma’s neighborhood and parked at Carter’s just next door. And what a contrast it was. His, in pristine condition, a huge, sleek, mid-century modern home that had clearly been updated by someone with great taste and a lot of talent. Hers—well, it had potential.

  The door flew open when I rang the bell, and Jayma stood there in a sexy little dress and high heels. Guess she’d gotten used to the idea of shacking up with a bunch of dudes.

  “Tanner! Come in, come in. Oh, I’m so glad you’re here,” she said, throwing her arms around my neck. I loved the way she smelled, so fresh with the slightest hint of some spicy perfume.

  “Hey, baby,” I said, looking around. “What an amazing place.”

  “I know, right? Isn’t it great? It’s modern, but not too modern.”

  “I know what you mean. Hey, how did your meeting with Mr. Renner go today?”

  She pursed her lips. What was that all about?

  “Oh, I’ll tell ya later. First, I want to show you around.”

  I’d been in only one other mid-century modern house before, and it had been in pretty sorry shape. But this one was perfection, with exposed beams across the ceiling, a gigantic stone fireplace, and super sleek furniture. Who the hell was this guy, Carter?

  “Great place,” I said.

  “Isn’t it? Want to see your bedroom?”

  I followed her up an open staircase—admittedly with one eye on her ass the entire time—to a killer room with a comfy-looking bed and flat-screen TV on the wall. Jackpot. I’d be nice and comfortable there.

  “You like it?” she asked with a hopeful expression.

  “No complaints. None at all.” I dropped my bag on the floor and pulled her to me.

  It took every ounce of strength I had to not pull up her dress, yank down her panties, and bury my face between her soft thighs until she creamed all over me.

  Somehow managed to hold back, but I knew my resolve would not last long. We either had to get out of my room or get down to business.

  I preferred business, but we had other things to take care of, first. Like meeting the other guys, my new housemates. I peeled my hands off her taut little body and brought her fingers to my lips for a kiss.

  “You gonna introduce me to the others?” I asked.

  “Sure thing. You ready?”

  “I’m always ready, baby.” I gave her one of my cheesy winks, and she laughed. I loved that sound. I rustled through my bag to grab something and followed her back down the stairs to a wide-open kitchen where two guys stood drinking Stellas.

  I strode in, extending my hand.

  “I’m Tanner. Good to meet you. I brought a little something to celebrate.” I produced a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue.

  “Whoa, dude. That is seriously generous. I’m Carter, and this is Dig.”

  “Welcome aboard, my friend,” Dig said.

  “Great place you have here, Carter.”

  “I’m very glad to be sharing it with you,” Carter answered. “All of you. We’re just missing Wyatt.”

  “Hello. I’m still here,” Jayma said from behind me.

  That got a laugh out of everyone.

  “Sorry, darlin’,” I said, draping an arm around her shoulder.

  “What are we celebrating?” she asked, nodding at the expensive scotch.

  I shrugged. “Nothing and everything.”

  “I’ll drink to that,” Carter said, pouring each of us a couple fingers.

  “Cheers,” I said, “to new friends and adventures.” Glasses clinked all around.

  “So Tanner, you work in advertising?” Dig asked.

  God that scotch was good. “I do. I’m a desk job kind of guy. Unlike our builder, here.” I pointed at Carter.

  “Well, that makes two of us,” Dig said. “I’m in real estate.”

  “Oh, nice. What a great field to be in here in San Francisco,” I said.

  “Well, it’s damn competitive, but it’s lucrative, too. Feels like I work around the clock,” Dig replied.

  “Speaking of working around the clock,” I said, “Carter, what’s the p
lan for Jayma’s house?”

  She smiled. “Yeah, Carter, what is the plan for my house?”

  He nodded. I admired a man who was ready. “Got my crew coming at seven a.m. We’ll be able to dive right in since Jayma already has the permits from the city. We’ll gut the rooms that need it, haul away the waste, and start putting up new drywall.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’d love to pitch in where I can. I want to learn some home improvement skills. Just put me to work,” I said.

  “Maybe he’ll be your bitch, Carter,” Jayma said with a naughty laugh.

  “Hey now, don’t give the guy any ideas,” I said.

  “So do you think you can get the work done fast?” Dig asked. “I can start lining up some buyers.”

  “I’m not sure. I do feel hopeful, though. We’re cutting it close. But we’re going to try our damnedest,” he said.

  “Ooh, speaking of trying, we’ve got to be going. We have another dance class,” Jayma said.

  “Dance? You guys are going dancing?”

  Ugh. Now they were going to think I was a douche. “Guys, guys. Before you start busting my chops, I’d like to let you know that our first date was a dance class. I’d always heard girls love that shit. But it’s Jayma who wants to go back for another.”

  Dig wore a raised eyebrow, and Carter was barely hiding a smirk.

  “You guys better watch it or I’ll be dragging your asses to the studio for a lesson,” Jayma said. Spunky. I liked that.

  Dig raised his hands as if he were surrendering to something. “Hey. Each to his or her own. You guys go and enjoy. Twinkletoes.”

  I hadn’t been very psyched about going back to Metronome, since I sucked so badly the first time we went. But Jayma had really wanted to give it another try, so I caved. Shit, who was I fooling? I couldn’t say no to her if I’d wanted to.

  “So, how’d your meeting with old man Renner go?” I asked her as we drove across town.

  “Oh. It went well.” She nodded.

  “Yeah? That all you’re gonna tell me?”

  “Well, there’s not really much to tell. I mean, Mr. Renner said he might have something for me sometime soon.”

  “You’re kidding! That’s great. Aren’t you excited?”