The Gallery_A Reverse Harem Romance Read online

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  But I did take the opportunity to rake my eyes over Dagney. She was clearly enjoying an upgrade in her wardrobe, and wouldn’t you know it, she was wearing the goddamn necklace I’d found in Devon’s coat pocket—the one I had assumed was for me, because who the hell else was my loving husband going to give an expensive piece of jewelry to, for fuck’s sake?

  What a fool I’d been.

  The meeting commenced, but I was so overcome with hatred for Devon and Dagney that I barely followed it until he started making noises about a car. Again.

  “Yes, I agree to get her a car since she won’t have a driver anymore,” he said.

  That did it. “Look, you asshole. You know I don’t drive. Stop dangling that in front of me. Haven’t you already done the damage you wanted to?”

  Dagney rolled her eyes. If she did that one more time, she wouldn’t be leaving the room with her eyesight.

  “Now let’s not get excited—” my lawyer started to say.

  But I cut him off. “Devon, don’t be smug with me. Everyone in this room here, with the possible exception of your whore over there, is aware that you are probably facing prison time.”

  Dagney’s face lost all its color. Protectively, her fingers flew to the necklace I’d thought was intended for me. If her relationship went to shit, it was all she’d walk away with.

  Except for my disgust with her.

  But Devon’s face was just as pale. “How did you know?” he asked, his voice trailing off.

  “EVERYBODY knows, Devon. You’re over. Finished. And I’m getting out of this marriage just in time to let you enjoy your little shitshow all by yourself. Well, except for Dagney, who’s probably gonna bail right after this meeting.”

  Bile rose in my throat, and I was shaking with rage. I was just as angry with myself as at anyone else in the room, for being a fool to believe I was living anything other than a superficial existence surrounded by opportunistic people and a husband who’d leave me for my assistant.

  I felt the tears coming, and I wasn’t about to give Devon the satisfaction of seeing me upset. I turned to my lawyers.

  “Do what you have to do. I’m leaving.”

  “But Mrs. Crane—” someone called after me.

  I got through the door just in time to stifle my first sob. I ran for the elevator past the staring receptionist who, to be honest, probably saw shit like mine all the time.

  It wasn’t until I was in the elevator and had pressed the down button that I finally let loose.

  Something had died and taken a big piece of me with it.

  But I’d been through this before. I could endure.

  There was really no choice, was there?

  Chapter 18


  Chase and Gio were already in the conference room for our founders’ meeting when I arrived. I took my usual seat, facing the large window that overlooked the offices of some news magazine, while we waited for Ash.

  Smith poked his head through the door. “You guys having a meeting without me?” he asked.

  “Sorry, Smith,” I said, “this is for us guys only.”

  He rolled his eyes and stormed off.

  “In my country, we would call that guy a stronzo,” Gio said, shaking his head.

  “I don’t know what that means, but I’m pretty sure I agree with you,” I said.

  “I’m with you, Sum. He annoys the hell out of me,” Chase said. “Even if he does do good work.”

  He was right, and we all nodded in agreement. Smith was brilliant with the numbers and had found us many successful ventures we never would have pursued without his in-depth analysis.

  Too bad he had the maturity of a teenage boy. It was why he wasn’t part of Kink Lab.

  And of course, he knew nothing about the special proclivities of the rest of us. Best to keep that sort of thing away from an immature big mouth, no matter how gifted he was.

  Not that we were ashamed of our arrangements. But New York, and the circles we traveled in, could be strangely insular. We’d ‘come out’ someday, but the time hadn’t been right just yet.

  Ash came running in, sweat dripping from his brow.

  “Guys, sorry.” He poured himself a glass of water, which he immediately chugged.

  “You just getting in?” I asked. “It’s noon, buddy.”

  “Yeah. Shit.” He straightened his tie and pulled his jacket closed to cover his wrinkled shirt. “Sorry guys. Let’s start.”

  His was a serious walk of shame if I’d ever seen one, but if he didn’t want to talk about it that was fine by me. We all knew he’d had an evening with the lovely Avril, and we were happy for him. And actually, happier that he’d been late for work, coming in only half put-together. It told us all they had a great time.

  And didn’t that bode well for the rest of us?

  We went over our quarterly numbers and discussed the work we had on the table. Our business was growing and our universe expanding. We’d begun looking at deals in Hong Kong and Belgium.

  I wouldn’t have minded a little international travel. Perhaps I could encourage Avril to join me…

  “Hey! Earth to Sumner,” Chase said.

  “Sorry, guys. My mind wandered.”

  “Uh, gee. Wonder where it went?” Chase wore a shit-eating grin on his face.

  “Perhaps this is a good time to talk about the elephant in the room,” Gio said.

  “And which elephant would that be, Gio?” Ash asked.

  “Why don’t you tell us, Ash, with your wrinkled shirt and crooked tie?”

  “All right, all right, guys. How’s everyone feeling about Avril?” I asked. Somebody had to have some balls.

  We all looked at Ash.

  He nodded slowly, with a look in his eyes I’d never seen. “Yeah, man. She’s amazing. I want to date her. That’s all there is to it. What about the rest of you?”

  We all looked from one to the other for a quick moment.

  “I’m in. In fact, I’m seeing her tonight,” I said.

  “Go Sumner,” Ash said with a smile.

  And Gio and Chase nodded in agreement.

  “She’ll need time. But she seems open to dating us. All of us,” Ash added.

  The rest of the day dragged by, and I found myself watching the clock until it was time to pick up Avril. The guys had noticed I wasn’t completely there as well, but they didn’t say anything. They knew how it was, and if our beautiful girl consented, I supposed they’d be next.

  Smitten, that’s what we were.

  Our girl. If that wasn’t jumping the gun, I didn’t know what was. But I didn’t care.

  Avril had texted me she was running a bit late, so I wandered around Soho until I found a bar to grab a drink in. I ordered a beer and sent a text to my mom in Italy. It would be late there, but she might still be up.

  Hey Mom


  How’s the trip?

  Wonderful. Just wonderful. We’re in this little town called Padova. It’s where Romeo and Juliet come from. Or someone like that

  Sounds great, Mom

  Saw some nice linen shirts in a shop, made right on the premises. Would you like one?

  Sure, I’d love one. Get an XL. I’m big by Italian standards

  Okay sweetie. Going to bed now. Got an early morning with the girls

  Love you Mom

  Love you too, honey xoxox

  Ah, Mom. She wasn’t perfect by any measure, but she’d held us together after my dad had bailed. And she’s the one who came out on top, if you ask me. She had a great life with great friends and was always busy. In fact, she was so busy, I had a hard time pinning her down for an occasional meal together.

  But I couldn’t be happier for her. She’d never met another guy after Dad, and I didn’t blame her for staying single. With the way he fucked her over, if it were me, I’d never want another man in my life, either.

  So I cherished spoiling the hell out of her, treating her to trips and other activities. One of the bene
fits of all my hard work.

  I could think of someone else I’d like to spoil…if she’d give me the chance. Speaking of which…

  Hi, Sum, just wrapping things up

  Super. Be there in ten

  I finished up my beer and glanced up at the TV playing in the corner of the bar. Wouldn’t you know, my shithead father was being interviewed on CNN, talking out of his ass like he always did.

  “Senator Larlaith…” the star struck reporter began.

  I threw some money on the bar and turned to leave. I didn’t need him to ruin my night, even if he did seem to be nearly everywhere I went.

  By the time I got to Avril’s, I’d forgotten my irritation over seeing the good senator on TV. I’d managed to push it out of my mind, preferring to think of my mother having fun in Italy and how much I was looking forward to seeing my lovely girl.

  I rang the bell to the place where Kink Lab had been held just a couple nights before. In the daylight, the heavy front door looked so innocent and utilitarian. But after dark, it promised sensual adventures of all kinds. Blu had done a good job recruiting Avril, or should I say, her gallery?

  “Hey, gorgeous,” I said, pulling her to me by the waist.

  She felt slim and firm, and her silky black hair tickled the arm I’d hooked around her.

  “Mmmm,” she said after a sexy-as-hell kiss. She leaned back to meet my gaze. “Hey, are you okay?”

  “Yeah, just saw my father on TV. An ugly reminder. He bailed on me and my mom a long time ago.”

  “I’d heard you were a senator’s son. Now I know why you don’t talk about it. I’m sorry.”

  I burrowed my nose into her hair, which smelled clean and spicy, like the fancy shampoo they used where I got my hair cut. I could get used to that soothing scent.

  “I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner here?” she asked.

  “Here? In the studio?”

  “Yeah. I could get something delivered. I’ve got adult beverages.”

  She looked so excited at the prospect of “staying in,” that I couldn’t say no. And I was a big fan of the gallery—for obvious reasons—anyway.

  “Let’s get some wine,” she said, taking my hand and leading me to a little seating area in the corner of the large space.

  I looked around the gallery in wonderment. “Sure looks different from the other night, doesn’t it?” I asked.

  “Totally. It was so amazing how your workers set the place up and broke it down so quickly. Just a couple hours after the last guest left, you’d never know a thing had gone on here. Like the party disappeared without a trace.” She shrugged at the mystery.

  “I didn’t see you much that night,” I teased.

  And wouldn’t you know, she blushed. I liked that.

  “Well…that’s true…” she stumbled.

  I took a sip of the delicious wine she’d poured and settled back on the sofa.

  “Sweetie, I’m just teasing you. I know you were playing with Gio, and I think that’s great. I fully support it.”

  And it was true. I loved that they’d gotten together. And that she’d been with Ash the night before, and Chase several days before.

  Or something like that. I couldn’t keep track. She probably couldn’t, either.

  She opened her mouth to say something, but stopped, like she didn’t know what the hell to say.

  “Hey,” I said, reaching for her hand. “It’s okay. The four of us guys are all about this shit. You know that.”

  She took a deep breath, and her shoulders relaxed. Setting her wine glass on the table in front of us, she scooted closer. With her fingers running through my hair, she brought her lips to mine. Her mouth was soft and open, ready for me like a ripe peach.

  She pulled back and looked at me with a sly smile.

  “I’m not starving. Can you wait a while before we eat?”

  Actually, I was starving. But I was more hungry for her. Hell, I’d wait a thousand years if it meant I could kiss her.

  “Nope, I’m good. I don’t need anything.”

  Thinking with the little head, as the guys called it. But hey, we all did that from time to time.

  I put my hands on either side of her beautiful face. “I could look at you all day long,” I whispered.

  She looked down, modest as ever. “Follow me,” she said, extending her hand.

  I grabbed my wine and did as I was told.

  Chapter 19


  Fortunately, Sumner was not hungry for dinner, which meant we could have a little fun before ordering. I had to admit, I’d been thinking about him all day, in spite of the fact that I’d been with Ash just before.

  What a little slut I was turning into.

  Before he’d arrived at the gallery, I’d had time for a brief chat with Blu.

  “Honey, I’m so glad you’re getting some from real men. Unlike that douchebag ex of yours,” he said.

  I really didn’t want to think of Devon right then, especially since he’d taken every opportunity he could to mutilate my soul. The fucker.

  “It’s all pretty incredible,” I said.

  “Listen to my girl, all happy and shit.”

  I guess being Blu’s ‘project’ wasn’t the worst thing in the world. I mean, I was pretty much coming out on top in every regard, in spite of being screwed over by my husband and assistant.

  Happiness is the best revenge, they said. And I was pretty sure I was on the right track. But there was one thing nagging at me, a little reminder sitting on my shoulder and pecking away at me every time I got too happy.

  “But Blu, there is, um, one thing.”

  “What’s that darlin’?” He was typing furiously in the background, probably arranging his evening’s hook up. “Shit, I wish more of these guys would send dick pics. How the hell am I supposed to choose?”

  “Too much information, Blu. Thanks, anyway.”

  “Sorry, Av. Got carried away. What’s on your mind? I have closed my laptop, and you have my undivided attention.” I heard the telltale click in the background.

  “Well, I am not sure about dating all these guys. I mean, in the end, I really only want one. At least, I think so.”

  “Are you nuts? You know how many girls would love to have a man harem, especially with those four guys you’re fucking—”

  “I’m not fucking them, Blue.” Well, not all of them, anyway.

  “Oh, sweetie, don’t get technical with me. But look. Do you have to choose? I mean, what’s wrong with being with all of them? I’ve known these guys a long time. They’re more than decent. I wish they were gay, but that’s my cross to bear.”

  Was he still bitter about that?

  “I cannot be with four men. That’s ludicrous,” I said.

  “All right. Suit yourself, ya prude.” He sighed dramatically.


  And now, in my gallery, I was face-to-face with one of the four amazing men who’d stumbled into my life—the stunning and dimpled Sumner Larlaith, U.S. senator’s son. How the hell I was going to choose one guy? Or could I manage all four? That was, if they even wanted me?

  Were they a package deal? Were the choices all or none?

  I’d have to worry about that later. At the moment, I just wanted to focus on Sumner.

  There was something about him that had struck me the first time I’d laid eyes on him. I blushed when he looked my way, like a shy teenager. I couldn’t put my finger on why, but it was as if when he looked at me, he really saw me.

  I took him by the hand and led him to the middle of the gallery, which had been ground zero for all things naughty when the Kink Lab party had been in full swing. With the usual furniture returned to its normal place, the room was now anchored by a medium-sized conference table surrounded by eight chairs. I pushed Sumner up against the table’s edge until his ass was resting on it, and wedged myself between his legs.

  With my hands holding his face, I pressed my forehead to his and took a deep inhale of h
is delicious scent, some sort of combination of plain soap and clean, masculine skin.

  God, I could get used to that.

  Angling my head back, he kissed the top of my nose, a touch so tender and intimate a lump rose in my throat. His lips wandered to my mouth for a sumptuous kiss. I was so spellbound, I’d barely realized that he’d unbuttoned my blouse until his hands cupped my breasts, the lace of my white bra sliding down to expose heated skin.

  I wanted to not think of anything, and we were headed in the perfect direction for just that.

  Sumner thumbed my hard, aching nipples, and even more so when I arched my back to give more of myself. I shrugged my blouse off my shoulders until it fluttered to the floor, then reached to unhook my bra. When my breasts were fully exposed, he lowered his mouth to them and tormented me with licks and nibbles. My head dropped back, my hair swinging behind me and brushing my waist, reminding me I had a skirt and panties to remove.

  But before I could, Sumner was on the job, unzipping me and then hooking his fingers in my thong to push my clothes below my ass. I wriggled the rest of the way out of them and fumbled for his belt and fly, eager to get into his pants. We’d never been naked together before then, having kissed only briefly the night he brought me home from the first Kink Lab I’d attended.

  And our coming together felt as natural as anything ever had for me—certainly more natural than the first, awkward time I’d been with Devon.

  “Baby, you’re so beautiful,” Sumner said, looking me up and down. His words melted me, and at that moment, I would have done anything for him. He slipped off the conference table to finish removing his clothes.

  And lord, if he wasn’t beautiful himself, wearing nothing more than his birthday suit. He lowered me to the sheepskin rug in front of the gallery’s decorative fireplace and spread my legs apart. Positioning himself between them, his hands smoothed over my feverish skin. I writhed under him, and we’d only just gotten started.

  He pushed my breasts together, kissing them, then moving his lips down my abdomen. They brushed across my belly, leaving me quivering and exploding in goosebumps.